That's what someone said to me out in Northern Indiana while canvassing for four hours yesterday. The vast majority of people were concerned and respectful so I didn't let it stop me from going door to door for Obama. Please don't let it stop you from calling!
I found about a third of the people for Obama, a third for someone else and fully one third UNDECIDED. Now some may say undecided just because they don't want to reveal, but I have practiced ways to get the information out and still they remain "undecided". This election on Tuesday in Indiana will be determined by two things: 1) GOTV of Obama supporters and 2) getting to the undecideds and giving them at least one GREAT reason to vote for him.
It makes a difference. Please help us on the ground by calling folks today, Monday and Tuesday. We simply cannot get to everyone's door. Be respectful, listen to what one concern they have and then describe how obama will deal with that concern.
I've found there are a hundred concerns out there, And you have to find out what moves people. Don't assume people have the same concerns as you do, so listen, listen, listen. You can probably bet the economy is no. 1 here and in NC. And most people are fed up with DC insider politics so go with that if you can't get more info. However, try to find something to connect with the undecideds! They are the key to winning this election.
Unlike the man who likes to bomb people, most are caring and have the same everyday problems that most of us face with jobs, family and health.
The personal touch is most important, not just getting some talking points out about Obama and his policies. Please use this to comment on how things are going with the walking and phone calling in Indiana and North Carolina.
Don't wait, don't be afraid, just do it!