UPDATE: I'm embarrassed. As McJoan and Selise point out way down in comments, there was a unanimous consent to only debate 3 Amendments, all on immunity. One from Feingold/Dodd, another from Specter, the last from Bingamon. Kevin Bankston of EFF is most hopeful on the last.
I'm as disappointed as the next that Obama's not jumped into the fray, but in the meantime, we've got a damn good one on the field in Russ Feingold, and instead of whining that your favorite quarterback's on the bench, let's get to work with the team we've got.
The real fight comes before the cloture vote on the bill itself. If one amendment passes (edven Specter's) the Bill returns to the House. Only if the 2 Chambers pass identical legislation does it move to the President's desk. If we send a bill sufficiently not to his liking to draw a veto, that kicks the can further down the road. If this mess can be stalled through Labor Day, when the Congress breaks for campaign season, it's dead.
Obama's statement that he'd vote for the bill included a remark that it "isn't perfect." It may be too late for him to reverse field and join a filibuster on the whole package, but he has indicated he'd vote for an amendment to strip amnesty.
So what can WE do? Take a hint from
Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold
On Preventing the FISA Amendments Act from Being Jammed Through the Senate
June 26, 2008
"I’m pleased we were able to delay a vote on FISA until after the July 4th holiday instead of having it jammed through. I hope that over the July 4th holiday, Senators will take a closer look at this deeply flawed legislation and understand how it threatens the civil liberties of the American people. It is possible to defend this country from terrorists while also protecting the rights and freedoms that define our nation."
Let's make 'em take a closer look. In my last diary, I called for OPERATION READ THE BILL.
Print the thing out, all 114 pages (pdf), and literally, physically, hand it to your Senators.
Best if you can say "I've read it, I expect you to take the time to do so yourself." For extra credit, take a highlighter to the printout and mark up the sections you consider problematic.
Bring an accomplice with a vidcam. An admission that they haven't and won't read the bill makes nice youtube, come re-election time.
How to find them? Start with their Senate and Campaign websites and your State Party's websitre. Next, search Google News for "YourSenator'sname Parade" "YourSenator's name Barbeque" "YourSenator'sname Picnic" "YourSenator'sname fundraiser" If you don't get hits, make a Google Alert.
Post any scheduled events you find below in comments.
Join Senator Obama - Please, Vote No Telecom Immunity and Get FISA Right on my.barackobama.com (Caution: the default setting gets you LOTS of email. Use digest mode if you're shy.
Join Senator Obama - Please, No Telecom Immunity and Get FISA Right on Facebook