At the end of the 11:00am news during crossover talk with the hosts, the news person said "ABC is ready to announce Kaine as the VP choice."
He continued, "Apparently people have started to get their text messages from the Obama campaign. Here is a special report from ABC news."
Than nothing. "That's a concern. Let me get some more info." As the host started back into the show he shouted... "Wait a minute. I couldn't hear the feed while talking to you. They are now saying the text messages were a hoax and that there have been 2 others."
I credit the guy for correcting the error so quickly. I just wish for once someone would come on and say something like."We have heard some news, we will get it to you after we have verified it."
Oh well, I got my cell phone by me and my computer. Still waiting. Anybody get a false text message today?