Those of us who have been paying attention (which excludes most of the media), know of John McCain's troublesome record on women's issues. From cheating on his disabled first wife who had been raising his children while John was held captive, to dumping her for a millionaire heiress 19 years his junior.
We know McCain has issues with women based on his choice of jokes, once telling an audience about a joke about a woman being raped by an ape and the woman liking it. We know that Hillary supporters might think twice if they knew that McCain once told a joke calling Chelsea Clinton ugly and referring to Janet Reno as her father.
And we know that no self-respecting woman, or any man that respects women, would vote for McCain if they knew that he once responded to Cindy's gentle tease about his hairline by calling her a c*nt and a trollop.
But with his pick of Sarah Palin, John McCain is continuing his disrespectful treatment of women. We can't let him get away with it, and here's what every woman should understand about John McCain's Vice-Presidential pick:
Like the pretty brunette at the craps table that McCain once asked to stay by his side and be his good luck charm, Sarah Palin is being asked to blow on his dice as he gambles for the White House.
John McCain is betting that adding Miss Wasilla 1984 to his ticket will be his meal ticket to the Oval Office. And 30 years after dumping his first wife to marry a beauty queen with money, John McCain knows something about meal tickets.
And while Sarah Palin leaves her four-month old child home to preach to other women about Republican family values, John McCain is hoping you won't notice that Barack Obama's plan guarantees healthcare for Sarah's newborn son, Trig, who was born with Down's Syndrome, John McCain's plan won't. And they hope that you don't focus on McCain's plan to deregulate the healthcare industry (because it worked so well for Enron and the housing market!).
So while John McCain his White House chances ride on Sarah Palin, don't be fooled by her newcomer status and pretty face. Because Sarah Palin isn't change, she's just more of the same.