I've been advised to post this in a diary, since the Pledge is again a hot topic du jour.
Many - I included - have been troubled not only by the fixation on the Pledge as a litmus test of patriotism, but by the significance and the potential misplaced power in its content, through replacing the idea with a symbol.
If those ignorant or inattentive to the realities behind the flag can be cowed into devotion to the symbol while the reality behind it is altered, suddenly the manipulator has an army of advocates pledging allegiance to something else entirely.
I have previously posted my own "Pledge of Allegiance to the Constitution" as a more meaningful and acceptable alternative - one in which we all agree to the essential goodness and central importance of that document, and commit to actively support and protect it.
So here it is:
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution
of the United States of America
And to the people that it defends:
Many cultures - one nation,
With liberty and justice for all.
© David H. Stern, M.D.
Public License for non-commercial use unlimited but revokable.
My effort to spread this has not been particularly successful, but that is no reason to quit trying. To the contrary, it's must be repeated, loudly, forcefully, with utter conviction and fearless determination, lest we wind up in a country that permanently bears no resemblance to that we have all grown to love.
I played with a number of variants, but settled on this one (for now.) Maintaining the length and rhythm of the original was limiting, but I felt it was important if the idea was ever going to gain traction. Anyone is free to use all or part of this. If we can all work out a better version together, that would be great.. I hope teachers will consider using this in their classes, and we can move on from there...
I only ask for "credit" if any commercial considerations or issues of authorship are involved. I Don't mean to seem presumptuous, but you'd be surprised how much work goes into so few words.