John McCain is no maverick
The Mainstream Media let down the people when it sold the Bush/Cheney/Rove propaganda lies about WMD, Saddam being partly responsible for 9/11 etc. The same spinners and deceivers responsible for these lies are now running John McCain's Campaign and yet the Mainstream Media continually broadcasts every Republican lie, smear and gutter tactic.
The following link to a You Tube Video debunks McCain's fabrications and Rove style campaigning.
View it and pass it on. " McCain's ads are lies - here's the proof".
The people must demand the truth from politicians and their powerful supporters in the Media who prevent the truth from coming out.
John McCain has had four incidents of the deadly Melanoma skin cancer and could easily die within the next two years.
What would this mean for the Country ? We would then be left with a far-right fundamentalist in Sarah Palin as President whose policies are far more extreme than Bush and Pat Robertson combined. Palin doesn't believe in Global Warming, wants to give Billions to Oil Executives in Tax breaks, doesn't support Equal Pay, is against SCHIP, wants Guns everywhere, believes that the Earth is flat and was created 6 thousand years ago, wants to ban the teaching of Evolution in Schools and wants to ban abortion even in cases of Rape and Incest. And yet the Media loves Palin and repeatedly broadcasts RNC press releases as factual truths.
Why isn't the Media asking these vital questions on behalf of the Voters ?
McCain and Palin are the new Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew of American politics ( Palin attacks the media for asking mild questions, while McCain pretends not to know about all the dirt and dirty tricks that his scumbag hatchet men are getting up to on his behalf).