You would think the party that embarrassed itself by dishonoring wounded veterans in 2004 would know better.
Unfortunately, according to a report from the AP, they have only gotten worse.
Andrew DeMillo filed the disturbing story.
It starts out innocently enough, explaining that in the absence of speeches the first day of the Republican convention there was more interest in expressing political views with buttons and slogans.
The political red meat that was missing from speeches on Day One of the Republican National Convention managed to make its way into the convention hall on delegates' hats and vests.
Buttons proclaiming "NoBama" and "God is Pro-Life" sent the message loud and clear on Monday.
Nick Stepovich, a delegate from Alaska, handed out buttons that read "McCain-Palin No-Bama" to his fellow Alaskans.
"Buttons are important at a convention like this," Stepovich said. "They represent your views and tell everyone what you believe."
If it is true buttons show what the Republicans truely believe, they are scarier people than I had thought.
That included Thomas Angers' red-and-blue "Beat Obama and Osama" buttons
Yes, on a day when the country was promised Republicans were toning down the politics and put on their American hats...they were putting on their hate buttons instead.
They expressed their non-partisanship by equating their political opponent to a terrorist who has killed thousands of Americans and is presumably still alive and perusing a goal to kill more.
This is by no means a new tactic for the right, those of us on the left are quite frankly used to it by now.
However, at this time of national crisis, with calls for unity from every side, even now they can't put aside their hate and work together without divisive and slanderous attacks.
Country first, Senator McCain?
Looks like more of the same to me.