Make the Presidential Election all about G W Bush and his disatrous policies which McCain and Palin want to continue.
Obama must be much more aggressive, tougher, more visibly angry at the state of America after 8 years of Bush/Cheney. Economic Populism will help Obama with undecided voters. Blame the Republicans for all the problems facing America. Get tough and hit McCain hard non-stop with negative ads tying him and Palin to Bush/Cheney policies. Run ads featuring GW Bush speaking to 2004 GOP convention with chants of " 4 more years" and then bring up McCain and Bush together - Ask Americans : " Can you and your family afford 4 more years of disastrous Republican Economic and Military adventures". Not many grassroot Republicans are better off financially after 8 years of Bush/Rove/Cheney.
The Economy is Obama's trump card - he and Democratic surrogates should be talking about it non-stop.
Make the Presidential Election a Referendum on 8 Years of George W Bush and Dick Cheney. Hit McCain with a barrage of NEGATIVE ADVERTISING tying him to BUSH's REPUBLICAN IDEOLOGY which has damaged America so much over the last 8 years. McCain/ Palin offer " 4 more years of Bush/Cheney policies".
Put Bush centre stage in Election until November. The Election should be all about Bush - forget about Palin.
BLAME THE REPUBLICANS FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ( egs. republican policies have cost American families millions in Iraq, virtually destroyed Medicare and social Security, stolen money from the middle classes and given it to Enron/ Exxon Executives etc.)Hit them relentlessly with NEGATIVE ADVERTISING from now until NOVEMBER.
The McCain/Palin ticket is the most extreme, hard right ticket since Nixon/Agnew.
McCain will be dead in a couple of years and we will be left with a redneck, far right fundamentalist in Sarah Palin Palin as Leader of the free World.
McCAIN and PALIN WANT TO OVERTURN ROE V WADE, RESTRICT EQUAL PAY, BASH UNIONS,START MORE WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST,attack GAYS, destroy Medicare and Social Security, steal money from the Middle Classes and give it to Exxon Executives etc.)