For those Kossacks who haven't heard my story, I'm a mother of three who is also a political and Democratic activist who served on the board of NYPIRG in the early 90's, canvassed door-to-door on environmental and consumer issues, lobbied for higher education, environmental and women's rights issues, organized for Wes Clark in 2004, supported many political causes and candidates, and served as a local canvass director and team leader for Barack Obama.
Like the millions Obama volunteers, I had personal reasons for joining the campaign. I had been waiting for a leader to bring this nation out of it's 8-year-long nightmare, and I found that leader in Barack Obama.
After almost two years of volunteering with my now six and seven-year-old daughters and two-year-old son in the Obama campaign, we have been rewarded with a victory on November 4th and since have had countless moments to cherish and celebrate the future ahead. Tonight was no exception, and for that am grateful to the Obama campaign for their latest gift to my family.... Because just when I think this election couldn't mean more to my family, the Obama team gave me one more reason to be thankful to have been a part of this campaign.
I supported Barack Obama because I was tired of allowing this country to be held hostage by fear. As a Virginia resident I watched, in horror, as the events of 9/11 unfolded, holding onto one baby in my arms and one in my womb. In the months after I opened my mail outside in fear of the anthrax attacks that struck our postal workers in the town just above mine. And a few years later I tried to hide my fear when running errands around Fredericksburg Virginia, praying that I wouldn't be shot in front of my children, nor them in front of me.
As an American, I fled New Orleans with my family the day before Katrina hit, sold my house one day before it was to be auctioned off, and moved in with my parents to try to make ends meet. And I watched in horror and helplessness as the Bush administration did everything they could to destroy the future of my family and other families like mine.
But the last two years, my family and I fought back. And like millions of American families, victory was our's on election day. Yet just when I thought Obama's election couldn't mean more to us, I got to watch the Kid's Inaugural on the Disney Channel with my children.
Tonight, as Malia and Sasha celebrated their Dad's win dancing to the Jonas Brothers, my daughters followed in their Mother's footsteps singing along the band. But while I once rocked out to the Doobie Brothers and dodged marshmallows being thrown through the crowd, my kids asked me to pause the DVR in the middle of the show to text the Jonas Brothers to find out where they can volunteer in their community.
So like The Old Redneck and Granny Doc, I also have to take a moment to thank the Obama campaign and everyone who made this possible, not just for political win and the ones I hope we have in the future, but for the moment in time they are allowing us to savor.
For our country, may this be one of many electoral victories that brings this country together as well as moves us forward. And if my children have anything to say about it, may this be the first of many Democratic inaugural parties in which the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato perform. Either way, as a mother and a Democrat, tonight feels pretty damn good and I can't wait for what tomorrow brings.