Yes, I'm aware that there's already 2 Al Franken-based diaries on the Rec list, but that's the whole point of this one...
A few days ago, I posted a top-rec'ced diary showing Al Franken (DFL-MN-AWESOME) squashing a KBR attorney who was attempting to justify the sickening treatment of gang rape victim Jamie Leigh Jones.
I made sure to include several other links, including a link to Ms. Jones' foundation as well as the (semi) parody site
However, I forgot to include another important link.
Nearly a year after being elected, and 4 months after actually being seated, Sen. Franken's campaign is still deep in the hole due to the massive legal bills involved in his successful 7-month recount battle with Norm Coleman:
Franken campaign still working to pay off recount debt
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Almost a year after the 2008 U.S. Senate race in Minnesota, the victor of that drawn-out battle — Sen. Al Franken — is still working to pay off nearly $500,000 in debt related to the recount, according to newly filed campaign finance reports.
Of the $450,859 that the Al Franken for Senate campaign still needs to pay off, $305,901is owed to Perkins Coie and $144,958 is owed to Fredrickson & Byron — two law firms that provided legal assistance during the recount.
In addition to his wonderful work on behalf of Jamie Leigh Jones and other rape victims, there's another diary on the Rec list at the moment showing some of his other Greatest Hits. Al Franken deserves not just our praise, but our financial support.
Therefore, I've set up a special ActBlue page specifically to help Sen. Franken to remove the last vestiges of that absurd chapter in Minnesota history. Please give generously to show Al how much we appreciate the kick-ass job he's doing right out of the gate!!