Nancy Pelosi responding incredulously when asked, for the first time, about a National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman's call for a general to put her "in her place" on the Afghanistan war.
"It's really sad, they just don't know how inappropriate that is," she told reporters during her weekly presser on Thursday morning.
"I'm in my place. I'm the Speaker of the House, the first woman Speaker of the House and I'm in my place because the House of Representatives vote me here. But that language is something I haven't even heard in decades."
Thanks to Politico
Woman were not happy - Here's Contessa Brewer over at MSNBC
MSNBC's Brewer: Why not "General Palin"?
MSNBC host Contessa Brewer is the latest high-profile woman to vent her anger at the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee for calling the lead U.S. general in Afghanistan to put Nancy Pelosi "in her place."
Brewer was seething, particularly at the NRCC's insistence on referring to the speaker as "General Pelosi" -- which she tossed back at Sarah Palin like a smoking hand grenade.
I wonder if the Republicans are going to call Sarah Palin 'General Palin." She's on Facebook saying we need more troops in Afghanistan...
You don't say that about the first [female] speaker of the house [that] she should be put in her place... and I think if you are trying to win over female voters in the next election that's a very poor move...[I'm] very fired up.
The NRCC Responds with Pelosi's soft on terrorism
The latest: After Pelosi hit back at the claim today, the NRCC responded by claiming her pushback is a sign that she’s ... soft on terrorism.
At a presser this morning, Pelosi struck back at the NRCC, saying: "I’m in my place. I’m the Speaker of the House." Here’s the response from NRCC spokesperson Joanna Burgos:
"Rather than deflecting from the real issue at hand and refocus on defeating terrorists, Nancy Pelosi would rather make party politics a higher priority than our national security. The fact of the matter is that most Americans agree with General McChrystal’s strategy on Afghanistan, but Pelosi self-righteously believes she is better suited to craft our country’s military policy. The last time Americans saw this type of outright contempt directed toward a four-star general is when this same San Francisco liberal attempted to undercut General David Petraeus by declaring his successful surge strategy a ‘failure.’"
The Plum Line
Update: DCCC spokesman Ryan Rudominer responds:
"The NRCC likes to ‘talk’ tough on terrorism, so why are they refusing to return thousands from a contributor who pleaded guilty to funding terrorists in Afghanistan and another who pleaded guilty to defrauding our troops in Afghanistan?"