I think you'll be pleased with this week's harvest. See you below the fold!
"home of the brave" refers only to US liberals
You little wimps call yourselves brave?
These are war fucking criminals who committed crimes against humanity - they did not stick up grandma.
This will be the last fucking straw for that black anti-american SOB in the white house for and his band of socialist thugs.
The only forum for justice for a war criminal - a prisoner of war is a military tribunal moron.
Only a limp wrist coward would bring these monsters to a public forum like New york to make us look bad.
Markos please take your weak knee fucking followers and get the hell out of our country. and also take the worst president (small "p") in history with you.
Let's see, one group of people is shitting their pants as they cower in fear of those shackled terrorist in orange jump suits and lament the horrors of the United States Constitution. The other is not.
It's not hard to figure out who the cowards are.
But it's funny seeing the manly men panic as New Yorkers yell, "Bring it on!"
Pissing Our Pants?
Nice smug comment, Kos. I think us "pants pissers" are just a bit concerned about the opportunity for more acts of terrorism surrounding the potential trials in NYC. And maybe, just maybe for giving people who killed 3k + Americans not only the legitimacy of a court trial but the bully pulpit to preach their brand of hatred from.
But since you are against anything Republicans and Conservatives say or think (oh tolerant one), we appear weak to you.
Oh and though I am no fan of Tom Tancredo, what you said to him in that interview was pretty cheap and had no bearing on the discussion, so you looked like a catty little bitch doing it.
Hunter has the appropriate response.
Also, it's sweet how he defends Tom "I got clotheslined by my earpiece chord because I forgot to unclip it from my collar while cutting and running" Tancredo. These cowards do stick together.
Dear ex-Army ex-PFC,
I'm jealous as HELL that you targeted Kyle-Anne Shiver's column and not my blog, XXX.
I've been sticking it to you moonbats for the last 2 YEARS now and have over 500,000 hits on my blog, showing the stupidity of you and your leaders like the Community Organizer-in-Chief.
I'm always ready to thrash liberal trolls but unlike you 1st Amendment hating fucksticks, I don't ban them, I simply destroy their Soros talking points.
So in closing, fuck you and Soros.
Yes, this dude has been totally sticking it to us for TWO YEARS. Owie. But there's always room for improvement. Maybe some day he can be as big and powerful as Kyle-Anne Shiver ... whoever the hell that is.
love it
The Nazi woman in your party want to be able to give all women the right to kill babies forever, it is so important to be able to kill babies, that alone will rip the dems into two and the health plan DIES. Driven by the 'right to choose'... abortion is not health care.
Support Stupak Coathanger Amendment
Here's an idea:
- Don't have sex.
- Use birth contraceptive
- Have the baby and give it up for adoption.
Your solution is to slaughter unborn babies.
Another factoid: a growing majority of Americans are against baby
killing bastard.
Just too bad you were not aborted.
The feeling is mutual.
the Tancredo farce
Are you not feeling well?
You looked emaciated on TV the other day.
Might you be afflicted with a certain ? syndrome?
God Bless and better health.
I'm not emaciated. I'm just not Rush Limbaugh.
Dear Olbermenchs,...
Isn't that funny how, after twelve weeks of doing what you do so well, abet a bit more damp then is healthy, and the making fun of Beck and tea baggers and the plebs and the proletariat and the fools and the idiots and all, how lovely that Marquesa Pollozzo , in the dead of night, like a brigantine from which her family came,-- look it up, yall,-- had fucked you over for her own almost Ombamalalama the cat dancer unstable need of TRIUMPH, triumph! Am I being too Machiavellian in wondering , did they do this so late to avoid those tea baggers who hated this Bill from the first, or to screw over the suckers who approved of it, hence an amendment against abortion which is a Republicans dream! It only took the fairy Queen and the house of Jews to patricianly unleagalize abortion! Now, Passion is catching, and how!, scathing even , and even all the tribunes want something of a victory lap, especially and strangely when unemployment hits double digits, as it has such a Nero building his champagne rooms whilst the people starve quality to it all.
How lovely that for a whole season and some , you and the GE paid apparatchiks,Pinkos who work for a war profiteer, have been made to tar and demean Americans as I have never seen, and which the brilliant Bill, knew in his black little Jesuit heart, was plainly stupid, and yet when, as my Romans who you all hate say ''knife came to shield'', they did what they always do, and backed down again. Oh, who would have seen that coming...?...one little amendment brought a needed seven or eight blue dogs to vote for your unwieldy monstrosity, and now, thanks to the woman Disraeli, taking a bow at midnight, like Batman or Fagin, showing inextricable and perpetual surprise, they now think they run the place, do these azure dogs, and this is jut the beginning of their next reelection campaign, sorry kids.
And abortion , no less! Abortionists creed, abortion's epistles, was all hurled to the ground as Marius warned these types are always willing to do to save themselves. Good God, the closest thing you all come to a sacrament, no less, was so eagerly and easily thrown, hurled, under whatever closest bus there was, as when making omelet...and all of that. What suckers you all are. It couldn't happen to a bunch of better little clerking praetorian, power sucking, fag hag whores, I say, as after damning and deprecating and diminishing and demeaning, as you always do, after reading men's private emails on the air as a quick replacement for entertainment, as all this , well, abortion, that sacred Santorum ... sorry,Sanctorum, was so easily thrown aside, as nothing means nothing to this crowd, especial those things that they preened to be, ha!-, champions of ...oh ho ho..., sweethearts,,,...after you were so debonair to always defending and cutting away, and demeaning and yelling the praises of made up Cantos from this Koran like revealed Knowledge gospel of a bill, so Noble are you all,...heheheh, so sure you all were that it could never be used against the saps the plebs, the dirt, the filth , the people who feared it naturally, as Americans like Rome has never had a socialist as king, again look it up, no not from a beloved government, the one of Sacco and Vanzetti--how many soldiers did they kill?... of wounded knee and Tuskegee experiments, oh no, send in the Jewish clown to make fun of anyone without power, ho, as imperium is grand!, ...The fact that first victims of this Cesarean power play , he also threw the peasants cakes and candies at the poor who knew their place well, , are you.,...that abortion is the first things stuck out by a panel of imperialists always looking over their purple shoulders, censured by the commissariat, that women now cant get abortions even with insurance,oh merceeee! It would make a Jesuit or at easy even a nun laugh so hard. Gee, as the old dagos have known, and it is why they ardent as protected by these slimy praetorians as are niggers and spics, and we all thank god for it, sometimes the empire rolls and chews up your enemies, and sometimes, it rolls over right atop You, Cicero.
Something familiar something peculiar....
Come on, admit it -- this is an instant classic! I have no idea what he's talking about, making omelets with buses and shit, but still, it's got it all -- anti-semitism, racism, anti-Latino bigotry, homophobia, socialism, all delivered with epic grandiose pomposity. It's been a while since I've been this impressed.
Less impressive is this:
Progressives 2010 defeat!
Enjoy your poower while you have it!
Too late. I already flushed my poower down the toilet.
How much sense does MoveOn have ? The GOP is going to destroy the far left and the far left are going to destroy the Conservative blue dogs. Who will be left? Who do they think is going to win in Red states but a Conservative?
Like Doug Hoffman?
The people will vote the Nazi left out in 2010. The people SPOKE, the NAZI PARTY did not listen. You morons are talking about how this great thing is going to secure the elections for you,it is the opposite idiot. Now the right campaigns all those responsible for this passage in the house.
Seems to me the freaks screaming about Nazis and terrorist prisoners in New York are the ones blinded by fear. But thanks for offering to share. I'll pass.
How does one directly contact Markass Mousetits, the founder of the Daily Kasshole?
Junior high is that way ---->
Joe Wilson was right
Obama and all you f'ing losers at dkos are a bunch of liars. Remember
how the "health care reform" wasn't going to include illegal aliens
and wasn't going to pay for abortions? Wrong on both. You are all
f'ing liars. FU! and F*** Pelosi and the whole miserable lot. Oh, that
is a disgusting thought. The elections on Tuesday should have been a
wake up. You are still snoring.
... because in an alternate reality (call it "Rush Limbaugh's show"), the House bill paid for abortions and illegal aliens.
dip shit
you fuckers should be jailed, you and your hoodlums are the biggest threat, not terrorists. hussein obamy needs to be tried for treason and punished. he is not an american, like you fools anti-american, fuck you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is nothing more American and patriotic than calling for the illegal ouster of a democratically elected president. America, fuck yeah!