I had the privilege to post a short comment internationnally this morning. and I know some of you would like to take knowledge of it.
So here it is,
Sunday Bells
Owl Train to Shaking Temples Station
November 22nd, 2009
When I got out of the Owl Train,
With the usual Regional Express Journal under my arm,
Seeing this Station where I thought
No Owls have gone before
The vision before me was astonishing
Made of very old rocks, the Station seems to have been hit by many earthquakes
Over and over trough Milleniums and not so long ago.
In fact there was an Earthquake few seconds
after I put my Claws on its Ground
And a Huge one,
Of Course all Avians Fly up High
Until the Earthquake was over
Carved in Rocks in many languages, some problably extinct, it is written;
All Authorities Dragging Minds Temples
Are doomed by Transcendence
A Dove welcome me and invite me to a Hall,
He invite me with a soft sign of his Wings to Perch,
He then say;
Welcome to Shaking Temple Snowy Owl,
We haven't seen one of you since around two Centuries
And as your Ancestor told us,
I will share with you what your He, your Ancestor oopik
Told us to tell the next time a Snowy Owl comes here.
Hi Dear Descendant my name is oopik
I came here at the end of the 1700's
At the Time when the Religions Mind Magnets
Swing into the hands of Sciences
As usual, Scientist will be speaking an unknown language by the People
Having in their Hands the Book of Temporal Truth,
Doctors and Scientists will become the Temporal Real Knower of Truth
And, as usual, they will affirm that they Know what is Good for People
I am sharing you what I have Witness from 1750 to 1850
That was the Time where People swing their Religions
Progressively to Knowledge,
And the motto
Will probably be Knowledge is Power
Dear descendant
As it was First described to me by the Pir of India,
And as He he Reiterated this trough Centuries
Since the end of the 1500's Century
He told me;
Humanity Driving Force,
Humanity Authority,
Is on a Journey,
From Instinctive inclination to Political Civility,
Then via Transcendence Forces,
The Political imposed Behaviors,
Swing from Politics submission to Religious inclination
Then Religious Authorities and People inclinations
Via Transcendence
Religious Authority Swang from to Science
The Shaking Khand got swing by earthquakes provoqued by Sciences
And if you are Here Descendant
It is because the Time arrived
That Sciences Authorities is swinging to the Intelligence of the Hearth
Via the Driving Force of Transcendance
Humanism transcend Sciences, Religious, Instincts
Humanism is now the rising Consciousness
Among the People
With the Intelligence of One's Hearth
Each and ones of Humans
Will know Within,
what is Right and what is Wrong
And will act accordingly, discretely,
In Respect of Self and the Other
Despite the remainders of;
Political, Religions and Sciences ruins
Called Eroding Enshrined Truths
A new Behaviour is now unfolding,
That Shall set Free Humanity
From unnecessary deaths, fears, doubts and hesitations.
This is a new Leap for Mankind
Copyright Snowy Owl Achak 2009
La vérité est en marche et rien ne l'arrêtera.
[Emile Zola]
Please confer to;
Who are the criminals behind the conspiracy theorists?