Hey guys I just wanted to share this with you. A few years ago I heard this Chris Rock transcript, and he joked about how screwed up the Health care system is in America. Maybe some of these politicians should take a look at themselves understand they're not only hurting themselves, but they're hurting us as well.
While some of these politicians are playing games, many people are dying because they can't get affordable health insurance or prescriptions. But if Washington D.C. keeps at this pace we'll all be depending on Robitussin!
They shouldn't even call it insurance. They just should call it ''in case sh*t.''
You got to have some insurance.
They shouldn't even call it insurance.
They just should call it ''in case shit.''
l give a company some money
in case shit happens.
Now, if shit don't happen,
shouldn't l get my money back?
That's right, man, you better have
some medical insurance, or you gonna die.
That's right, everybody.
You got to eat right and exercise.
No, you don't, you need some coverage.
Coverage will save your life.
That's right, we all gonna die,
but at least if you got some coverage...
you will die on a mattress.
That's right. When l was a kid,
we didn't have no insurance.
We didn't have a damn thing.
You had to be damn near dead
to see the doctor.
You had to be way past Robitussin.
That's all we had
when l was a kid: Robitussin.
No matter what you got,
Robitussin better handle it.
-''Daddy, l got asthma.''
-''l got cancer.''
l broke my leg,
Daddy poured Robitussin on it.
''Yeah, boy, let that 'tussin get in there.
''Yeah, boy, let that 'tussin
get on down to the bone.
''The 'tussin ought to straighten out
the bone. lt's good.
''lf you run out of 'tussin, put some water
in the jar, shake it up, more 'tussin.
''More 'tussin!''
--Chris Rock 99'--