As an Algonquin Ojibwa from around the Great Lakes, my perception of the movie Avatar is exactly a representation of what, we First Nations has lived in the Americas.
Greed, selfishness, inhumane behaviors by the Spanish, the English and the Portugueses is indeed the same as shown in this Avatar movie.
The same was done in Australia, New Zealand Africa, and so many countries.
The only differences is the conclusion, Mother Earth and its Nature has not yet blast the teenage selfishness of short mind people.
Nabuchonosor is known to be a Giant with argyle feet.
Empires do fall down since the beginning of times, this is a cycle and it is unavoidable, the Imperialism Beast becomes Obese and becomes a target for vultures.
But in this 21st century, the vultures have dangerous biological or other kinds of weapons.
The Bankers and Financial people that we can translate as vampires, need more blood and sweat of ordinary people.
Just like the United Kingdom did with China in introducing Opium to subdued the Chinese People, big pharmaceutical industrial complex subdue people with pleasure legal drugs, not much difference except the Imperialists are doing it to their own people.
These greedy behaviors has generate so much historical resentment all over the world that it is unavoidable that these Power and Control behaviorists will sooner rather than later disseapear.
They will not be defeated by their own means (military, pharmaceuticals, but with their own God that is Money that gives power.
In the absence of an organised alternative to a weakening US Dollar and in order to find an alternative to the loss in value of treasury bonds (in particular US ones) all central banks will have, in part, to « reconvert to gold », the old enemy of the US Federal Reserve, without being able to state the fact officially. The bet on recovery having been, at this point, totally lost by governments and central banks (1), this Spring 2010 tipping point is thus going to represent the beginning of the huge transfer of 20,000 billion USD of « ghost assets » (2) in the direction of the social security systems of the countries which have accumulated them.
(1)Source: CNBC, 08/12/2009; Yahoo/Reuters, 27/11/2009
(2)Two-thirds of the global amount estimated by LEAP/E2020 a year ago, out of which two-thirds haven’t yet gone up in smoke in the various financial and real estate markets of the world.
Spring 2010 – A new tipping point of the global systemic crisis: When the slip knot around public deficits is going to strangle Western states and their social security systems from GEAB No 40
LEAP/E2020 believes that the global systemic crisis will experience a new tipping point from Spring 2010. Indeed, at that time, the public finances of the major Western countries are going to become unmanageable, as it will simultaneously become clear that new support measures for the economy are needed because of the failure of the various stimuli in 2009 (1), and that the size of budget deficits preclude any significant new expenditures.
If this public deficit « slip knot » which governments gladly placed around their necks in 2009, refusing to make the financial system pay for mistakes (2) is going to weigh heavily on all public expenditure, it is going to particularly affect the social security systems of the rich countries in always impoverishing the middle classes and the retired, and setting the poorest adrift (3). At the same time, the general context of the bankruptcy of an increasing number of states and other authorities (regions, provinces, federal states) will entail a double paradoxical event of increasing interest rates and the flight out of currencies towards gold.
In the absence of an organised alternative to a weakening US Dollar and in order to find an alternative to the loss in value of treasury bonds (in particular US ones) all central banks will have, in part, to « reconvert to gold », the old enemy of the US Federal Reserve, without being able to state the fact officially. The bet on recovery having been, at this point, totally lost by governments and central banks (4), this Spring 2010 tipping point is thus going to represent the beginning of the huge transfer of 20,000 billion USD of « ghost assets » (5) in the direction of the social security systems of the countries which have accumulated them.
In GEAB N°40, the LEAP/E2020 team develops its anticipations on these various subjects, whilst also giving a detailed appraisal of its 2009 anticipations which achieved an overall success rate of 72% (6). Finally our researchers unveil their recommendations regarding this month in particular: commercial real estate, currencies and expatriates’ revenues.
(1) Consumption still remains lack-lustre in the United States and Europe as well (in spite of year-end celebrations). So-called Chinese growth (watch this eye-opening video by Al Jazeera on the reality behind the Chinese numbers) doesn’t even begin to stimulate its Japanese neighbour one little bit (which would have been a clear signal that there really has been a restart of the Chinese economy), requiring it to be the first major country to adopt a second economic stimulation package in less than two years (source: Asahi Shimbun, 09/12/2009). On the other hand the faking of statistics is beating all records: a « radical » fall in unemployment in the United States fed by temporary jobs related to the Christmas shopping period and a method of calculation as « theoretical » as before (source: Global Economic Trend Analysis, 04/12/2009), « Black Friday:// » which in fact saw the value of sales dropping compared to the year before (source: Reuters, 29/11/2009), unemployment which continues to rise, and business real-estate in free-fall in Europe (source: Les Echos, 10/12/2009, and an interesting visual stroll amongst empty office blocks in Amsterdam made by Tako Dankers, « reassuring » Chinese industrial production numbers in November 2009 since they were compared to the big fall in November 2008. Such fantastic results for the hundreds of billions of 2009 stimulus plans!
(2)And in believing the banks who told them that saving them would save the economy.
(3) Source: USAToday, 12/14/2009
(4) Source: CNBC, 08/12/2009; Yahoo/Reuters, 27/11/2009
Go see the New sovereign debt issuance in 2009 (USD billions) – Source: PhoenixProject, 07/2009 graph at
All this will increase insecurity and sufferings, too bad that fairness Spirit do not Guide us.
Maybe some still believe that a major war will reestablished their supremacy, but in 2010 with so many scientists in quest of food it is inevitable that the next war will be nasty for all.
After 90 comments it is evident that people are more annoyed by the past that lead us to the present and give up to look at the future.
2010 will be ongoing bully again and no comments on what we are facing.
Another Gaza war soon, add up Libanon and of course Iran on top of Afghanistan and Irak. This can only lead to the closing of the Ormutz Detroit. Lack of a third of Oil, rising of oil, scarcity of oil, blood, starvation, depression, etc...
If we do not look at it someone is already beating the drums.