An urgent reminder to our liberal, moderate, and not-conservative-enough readers: please keep in mind that Friday is 'We Surround Them' day, the day when newsperson Glenn Beck, noted not-Hollywood not-celebrity Chuck Norris, and a collection of ultrapatriotic Randian nobodies are going to flex their muscles and show all of America the tremendous power of their particular brand of ultra-conservative movement.
I believe this power will manifest itself primarily through outdoor barbecues, but nobody's been very clear on that. And the barbecues have something to do with resisting socialism, where socialism is defined as... well, that's not really been made too clear either, but I think it has something to do with the Bush tax cuts being allowed to expire, or making fun of Sarah Palin one too many times.
For that matter I don't know what the hell weekday barbecues have to do with fighting socialism in the first place, but I'm presuming it's a roundabout way to say Bring Your Own Damn Beer?
In any event, there may be as many as multiple dozens of people involved in these demonstrations of conservative power, so the rest of us might want to stock up on canned goods, or set the national threat level to "doughy" or something. Be warned: we can expect to be really, really surrounded.
As a public service, we at Daily Kos will be keeping you informed of all breaking "We Surround Them" news throughout the day. We will have reports on how surrounded you should feel, what areas of the country are in the most danger of being surrounded, and whether or not sharing the same ketchup bottle makes you a communist. We're also asking you, our users, to keep us updated. Let us know how surrounded you are, during this possibly gigantically super-important flexing of conservative power.
So be sure to keep your browsers open to this site for all the breaking updates.