It is time to recognize the fact that Grover Norquist and his cabal declared class warfare in 1980, and the last 28 years have seen the free market ideologues slowly destroy the middle class and transfer the majority of the nations wealth to the top 2%.
The vast majority of Americans have been screwed over for the last 28 years, and whenever we start to fight back, we are accused of starting class warfare and being jealous of the kingmakers' genius. They take the risk, they have the brains, and they should be rewarded for their willingness to put it all on the line. They deserve to receive compensation equal to 100 times a union autoworker's lifetime compensation ever year. They deserve to have expense account greater than a family of fours food budget for the year. You see they make the economy go and they are willing to take the big risks. The deserve the rewards.
Read a few of Bonddad's diaries or any of Dean Baker's stuff and you know this is a bunch of happy horseshit. They aren't taking risks anymore than my son is taking "risks" when he plays World of Warcraft. They are playing in a make believe world of risks. If they lose, they get a retention bonus. If they win, they get a performance bonus. They earn millions of dollars a year by buying and selling pieces of paper with values in the billions. Even if they theoretically lost "everything." They could go get a job delivering pizza and live like the folks in in the bottom quintile. There is no risk in America, just suckers (American taxpayers) and the top two percent.
Business is about moving money into your bank account. Workers need unions to have fighting chance of winning at business. Small business owners need to have a good idea and the ability to implement that idea to win at business. On Wallstreet, you have to be a sociopathic motherfucker without the ability to distinguish between a ponzi scheme and an investment to be a winner. As far as I can tell CDOs and CDSs are really just glorified Ponzi schemes. There is no there there. They needed more paper to sell and created these investments so they could separate a bunch of suckers from their money.
Like any quality confidence game, it is important for the marks to never realize that it was fraud instead of simply a bad bet. Unfortunately, every once and while, these sociopaths inadvertently pull back the curtain. The S&L crisis, the collapse of the Asian tigers, and now the collapse of mortgage backed securities and the insurance that was sold to cover these bets.
The war has been going on for 28 years or more and at this point we are losing. The wealth has been transferred and now we have to bail out the whole economy in order to avoid a 30s style depression or worse. The greatest generation demanded and got the government they deserved. They understood that since the 1890s they had been subject to class warfare and they fought back. They unionized, they regulated, they spent on infrastructure, they knocked heads, and we prospered as a nation.
I declare war. I declare war on the top two percent. I declare war on the fuck nuts that have brought the world to the brink.
Class Warfare. I'm in; I know how to knock heads. What can you bring to the fight?