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Something to chew on while waiting
Biden cuts radio ad for Scott Murphey
"This is Vice President Joe Biden. As a graduate of Syracuse Law School, I not only root for the orange, I root for Upstate New York as well. That’s why this special election you’ll be holding next Tuesday, March 31st is so important to me.
"I’m supporting Scott Murphy for Congress, and so is President Obama. Scott’s a businessman who helped create over 1,000 jobs. He knows people have to work together to get things done, and he’ll work with Democrats and Republicans in Congress to get things done for Upstate New York.
That’s why Scott supports our economic recovery plan, because it means 76,000 jobs for Upstate and funding for schools, which helps keep property taxes down. We have a lot of work to do, and Scott will help get it done. So I hope you’ll vote next Tuesday. And I hope you’ll join President Obama and me, Joe Biden, in supporting Scott Murphy. He’s a businessman who knows how to create jobs for Upstate New York."