Now that the teabaggers have finished teabagging for now (that never gets old), all of the republican officials, Congressmen, Congresswomen, candidates and those who attended and promoted these events should be asked if they approve of the messages that were on display there. They were the ones who were falling all over themselves to attend, speak at or support this. They were the ones who should have to either distance themselves from or align themselves with the messages, slogans (including some shouting "Death to the President" in DC yesterday) that were represented.
So with that, and with a picture being worth a thousand words, here are a few thousand words that everyone in this country should get familiar with as it relates to how the republican party and its supporters feel about our country and our elected officials:
A nice bit of racism, pic courtesy of ProgressNowColorado

Nothing like a little torture in Morristown, NJ
And a bunch courtesy of HuffPost:

From Ft. Lauderdale – I guess the same person did this sign as the (in)famous "moran" sign
A fine upstanding citizen

In DC, advocating the hanging of Democrats in Congress

Wonderful folks in Fresno comparing the US to the USSR.

Sacramento "patriots" advocating death to Obama for being a traitor and for providing money to Hamas to kill Christians, Jews and Americans.

A wonderful man in Chicago comparing American taxpayers to the "Jews for Obama’s ovens"

No comment on this one (courtesy of Bluejeansntshirt)

One just sent to me via email. Because Obama=Communism too.
There are many more that show pictures of Obama as Hitler, and comparing him to Hitler – Huffington Post has a number of them and the various state level blogs have some as well.
But the point is that these are violent rhetoric, hate filled events that call for the death of Democrats in Congress and our President.
We the People should know whether the republican officials who spoke at, attended or supported these events feel the same way.
If you have others that are worth sharing, link them below and I will put them in the diary.