Sorry, for the short diary, but I just watched this incredible interview with Liz Cheney on MSNBC and thought it should be brought to the community's attention.
Cheney's defense of her father is both sickening and laughable. She claims that the techniques used couldn't be torture because we tested them on our own people "and we don't torture our own people." She again and again claims torture was effective without giving a single shred of evidence. Norah, quite rightly, takes her to task, and the interview gets very heated.
I'm thinking that the worm has really turned in the media response to these "enhanced interrogation techniques" when people like Norah O'Donnell are so obviously repelled by the right's pathetic justification of them.
Again, sorry for the brevity of this diary, but I thought this was discussion-worthy.
Here's the video:
Later in Norah's show, Lawrence O'Donnell delivers a stunning beatdown of all of Cheney's points. I will hunt for it and try to post it in an update.
UPDATE: Here is Part 2 of the interview. It is a bit less compelling, but still worth watching. Still looking for Lawrence O'Donnell as his smackdown was a thing of beauty.
Part 2:
UPDATE 2: Thanks to sluggahjells, here's the Lawrence O'Donnell smackdown for your viewing pleasure:
UPDATE 3: I just finished watching an AC360 segment with James Carville and Bill Bennett in which Bennett used the exact same argument as Cheney: It isn't torture because we subjected our own men to the same techniques. Carville was absolutely atrocious, muttering and sputtering uselessly, not managing to get out one coherent response to this nonsense.
This is obviously the GOP's new tack: How can it be torture if we do it to our own? This question needs to be addressed and fast by our talking heads because they're running with it hard. I hope someone will diary this soon, debunking this particularly odious talking point.