I am deeply concerned by this headlong rush to judgement against the alleged Craigslist Killer and his so-called crimes. Before we leap to any conclusions about whether his actions were legal or illegal, shouldn't we ask, did they work?
A strong case can be made that there simply was no other way he could have gotten what he needed from these women in a timely fashion. And let's not forget who he was dealing with here; his alleged 'victims'. Weren't their methods for extracting money and sex from him equally as barbaric, perhaps even worse? That is something we may never know.
First, it's important to remember the context in which the Craigslist Killer was robbing and raping. There was a serious threat to his safety every single time he entered that hotel room with gun in hand. Time was of the essence. The clock was ticking!
Are Americans prepared to demand that all the niceties of polite discourse scrupulously be followed in the middle of every ongoing armed robbery and rape? That every jot and tittle of legal precedence be followed when a psychopath does his job? What about his safety? Is it fair to tie his hands when he is putting his very life on the line?
Shooting someone several times when they are in the act of calling the police may seem inhumane to those who have never actually had to extract money or sex by force, but believe me, those who do it every day know better.
Every American needs sex and money, two of the most highly valued commodities throughout history. I think we can all agree that the important thing is that WE GET THEM. The question of HOW we get them is an appropriate subject for debate, at some future time, perhaps by historians or other people who debate things.
So let's not waste time pointing fingers, the point is the Craigslist Killer was simply doing what was necessary at the time to get something we all need and want, and he put his own life and safety on the line to do so. And he's not doing it anymore, so why look back?
And don't forget; it worked! He got what he needed. And that's the main thing.
As to whether or not the Craigslist Killer violated any laws in pursuit of his goals, that's a debate we can also have, but only AFTER this debate is concluded.