Winds of change indeed ....
This whole past year+ has been both exhilarating and, at times, exhausting. Now, it feels a bit like that calm that you know isn’t really calm at all. We’re still in that First Hundred Days window. "Honeymoon". Yeah.
For me, this cause (not an "issue")... Justice against the torture that’s been propagated in my name, nothing less than a groundswell will do. We have to make him do it.
Keep talking. Keep blogging. Keep writing. Keep working.
Ripple out.

I’ve created this place, this series, to be something of a landing zone for us, any of us in the progressive community who feel the grief, who wish to contribute in some way to this growing call for justice, and/or who want to stay tuned in to any ACTION activities that emerge around this cause. I will publish every week, on Thursday’s. I invite you to share your thoughts.
This Diary Series will have mostly "Pick Of The Week" features which I encourage you to critique or embellish in the comments. You can also email me directly... and please do, I’d like you to contribute to this Diary Series in the coming weeks.... I welcome your participation.
P.S. #1 of this series can be found here at dKos.

Sunday Torture News Round Up Series, in case you missed them:
#3 Valtin
Sunday Weekly Torture Round-up: DoD to Jail Gitmo Attorney? 04.05.09
#2 PDNC (Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse)
Torture News Roundup: A Woman Tortured? 03.29.09
#1 Valtin
Introducing DKos Sunday Weekly Torture "Round-up" 03.22.09

Quote of the Week
"What does it matter to the dead, the orphan, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?"
~Mohandas K. Gandhi
By The Numbers
# Days since Executive Order signed to close Gitmo:
# Released since Obama’s Executive Order: 2
Ayman Batarfi
and Ethiopian-born, British resident Binyam Mohammed
NOTE: I fully support Obama's efforts and appreciate that he must be up against tremendous obstacles with this, so, understand this is not a "criticism"... just keepin' tabs. I will update weekly, of course.
Some Guantánamo numbers, as per Andy Worthington's comprehensive list and documentation.
# Total number imprisoned:
# Suicide (Hunger Strike) Deaths: 4
# Released since June 2007: 143
# Total still in Gitmo now is about 245
# Convicted... 1 Jose Padilla, see Washington Post, August 2007,article and Padilla sentenced on Jan 22 2008

Community Comments
It may be a pragmatic decision
or not. But I think you're right - team Obama has decided not to do the heavy lifting.
This is an administration that is telling us "make us do it".
The right response from the American people would be a grassroots organization aimed at just that. Where is the leadership on this in the progressive community?
by Edgewater
From Buhdydharma’s Rec Listed Diary on 04/08/09
When WILL Obama Speak to the Nation on Torture and Wiretapping?

Torture Diary Rescues (from the past week, through 4.8.09)
D.C. Court: No Judicial Appeal on Torture Transfer for Uighurs, Other Gitmo "Detainees"
by Valtin
Wed Apr 08, 2009
Contact Conyers on Special Prosecutor
by: buhdydharma
Tue Apr 07, 2009
But apparently, he has not yet taken the formal step of writing the letter to Holder. Please e-mail or call his office to urge him to do so!
Republicans vs. torture memos release!
by: tahoebasha3
at Docudharma Mon Apr 06, 2009
Call your Congress people -- express your outrage at this effort to first, prevent the torture memos from being released and second, using two nominations "hostage."
ACTION NEEDED: Republicans Blackmailing Obama over Torture Memos
by calchala
Rec Listed Mon Apr 06, 2009
Apparently the Republicans have threatened to filibuster Dawn Johnsen and Harold Koh over the torture memos. This is the greatest threat to Obama's transparency. Everyone needs to call every Republican Senator they can and let them know we will DEMAND accountability, we will not allow them to obstruct and that they MUST vote for Johnsen and Koh. WHO IS WITH ME?
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – March 2009
First Photos of Fallen Soldier Ends 18-Year Ban - 4.05.09
by jimstaro
Mon Apr 06, 2009
Very Special IGTNT Diary
You shall have the body brought to me (Habeas Corpus)
by Dbug
Sun Apr 05, 2009
Really well done First Diary from this writer! ~LL
In my opinion (and you might disagree, which is fine), the worst thing that G.W. Bush and his evil minions did was their attempt to get rid of Habeas Corpus. This principle, sometimes called "The Great Writ" dates back at least 800 years.
The short version of habeas is this: The King can’t lock a person in a dungeon and throw away the key. Kings once did things like that. It’s not fair. I’m sure most people would agree.
A slightly longer and more personal version is this: If a cop arrests you and sticks you in jail (or prison), you can ask a court for a writ of habeas corpus. Then the legal system has two choices: Either they charge you with a crime (and therefore take you to trial, where you’ll be found guilty or not guilty) or not charge you with a crime (and therefore release you). If you’re guilty, you can be jailed.
The Bushies tried to subvert and ignore this basic and fundamental right.

Website of the Week Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For 30 years, Human Rights Watch has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.

Resource Spotlight
Patriot Daily (PDNC) has set up a Google Group listserve!
Bloggers Against Torture
subscribe here or look for the cool Badge when it shows up! lol

Media Catch of the Week
Rachel Maddow 04/07/09 (yay Rachel)
News Alert! Sen. Chuck Schumer is FOR investigations!
Diaried at Docudharma by: tahoebasha3
Wed Apr 08, 2009

*Participate and contribute in this diary:
email to me at ladylibertine22 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Send me your picks for the various Spotlights, Community Comments
Send me suggestions of Quotes, Websites, Rescues, Top Comments, and Action Alerts any time!!
Contribute a personal POV essay or Special Comment for publication in this diary
Offer to Guest Host the diary (write the essay part, tell us your story)
Use this landing zone for your voice to yell louder!
* Sign the DD Petition

*ACTION Alerts, urgent
Several of the Rescued Diaries suggest LETTERS!
Then just keep yelling louder, see and
*ACTION any time choices, suggestions
Sign Petitions, write letters to politicians and media
Send Rachel a thank you!
Follow The Dog’s Monday’s Letter Campaign Diary Series
Weekly Torture Action Letter 5: Investigate, It Might Prove Them Innocent
by Something the Dog Said Mon Apr 06, 2009
Join the Facebook Group
Facebook group members 3,185 as of 04/09/09 around 10AM.
Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Bush Administration War Crimes

Thanks for visiting LL’s brain. See you in the comment.o.sphere!

Winds of Change, Jefferson Starship