(Bumped. Susan)
Keep it up Arlen, your Joe Lieberman impersonation is so spot-on, that we can't wait to take you on in the Democratic primary.
There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.
"Justice", for Specter, apparently translates to "overturn the will of the voters to get my friend back his job".
But seriously, his arrogance is overwhelming, his obvious dislike for Democrats palpable. He's clearly telling us, "I switched to avoid Toomey, not deal with you fucks." And since Obama has clearly promised him support, come hell or high water (no matter how he little support or loyalty he delivers in return), he feels like he can shit on anyone with impunity.
Personally, I don't want Specter around in 2011. So I want him to keep shitting on Dems, I want him to keep opposing EFCA and Obama's health care reform initiative, I want him to keep pretending that he's god's gift to the Senate. Because unlike Connecticut, there's no sore-loser option if he gets knocked off in the primary. And I'll take a real Democrat in that seat over that unprincipled turd of a man that is Specter.
So Arlen, please keep it up.