Anyone else getting a sense they got played here? I don't mean by Sanford, the republicans, etc - I mean the bloggers.
More than once this weekend I was mystified at how much press this was all getting in the blogs. Front page everyone, pretty much the only thing that Josh over at Talking Points Memo was talking about.
And I was left to think... uh, guys? What if this really just does turn out to be him off fishing at a fishing hole for a few days? Kind of putting yourselves out a limb there, no?
Well, it wouldn't have been putting yourself out on a limb if you knew there was something more to it. And, I'm especially convinced that Josh knew all along - it's not the first time he's had inside knowledge before he's blogged about it (Scooter Libby, Souter retiring, yellowcake). And some of the revelations/clues over the past few days seemed like a bit more than clues - almost like they were leading us down a path.
The question is, who else knew? At what point is the blogging leadership treating us like a bunch of patsies? (... And then it will be time to throw them some meat, they'll tear it apart like we know they will!)
Seriously, who had heard rumors about Argentina and the other woman before this all went down?