I just got the following email in my inbox in response to my email to the AMA concerning the racist actions of one of their Board members, Dr. David McKalip, a St. Petersburgh, Florida Neurosurgeon. He sent an email with a picture of Obama depicted as an African witch doctor....very racist indeed. A diary posted earlier today by VolvoDrivingLiberal tells the tale along with the picture. Seems that Dr. McKalip sent this hateful email to some of his Teabagger friends thinking it was funny. He's a staunch opponent of health care reform. More to come:
Sooo, Volvo asked us to take some action and helped us all out by providing links to Bayfront Medical Center and St. Anthony's Hospital in St. Pete where Dr. McKalip practices. Also a link to the AMA website was nicely provided. Thanks Volvo! I emailed and called all of the facilites and my email to the AMA got a response! Here it is:
"Thank you for your email. The AMA was alerted to this situation a few hours ago and has issued the following statement for immediate release:"
July 23, 2009
Statement attributable to: American Medical Association
"Delegates to the American Medical Association are selected through their individual state and specialty societies, and their individual views and actions do not, in any way, represent the official view of the AMA. We condemn any actions or comments that are racist, discriminatory or unprofessional."
Well, at least that's something! Wonder if they'll talk to the idiot.
UPDATE: I just got a call from the Director of Corporate Communications
Bayfront Medical Center in St. Pete and she's livid about what Dr. McKalip has done--he's works in the hospital. She said that she is an African American herself and the hospital will be investigating this matter!! I called earler and left her a message. YAY!!!
UPDATE II: I just received the following email from St. Anthony's Hospital in St. Pete in response to my email:
"St. Anthony's Hospital is aware that an independent physician who has staff privileges at Bayfront and St. Anthony’s posted an inappropriate image on the internet that is not in keeping with our values.
The physician is not employed by our organization and is certainly not speaking for us. We are a values based organization and believe this physican’s actions do not reflect our values that guide our behavior on a daily basis."
Bonnie Mason
Manager, Marketing & Public Relations
St. Anthony's Hospital
1200 Seventh Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33705