In the Network on Insurers in the last two months there has been a lot of discussion concerning their responsibilities over their clients that makes Mass Gathering Events.
The word was let's wait till Fall.
The decisions is now unfolding, all indoors mass gathering events will not be insured because of possible responsibilities concerning a surge of H1N1 infections in closed stadium or Concert Hall for this Fall and Winter.
Notice that more measures (Collective and Individual) are on the Agenda.
Le Monde, a prominent French Newspaper is blazing this Trail, we should have news from the British-American Conseortium soon.
Via Le Monde
Excerps: Personal translation
Will Cultural and Sports Events will be cancelled this Fall and Winter because of the outbreak of the H1N1 pandemic?
The pandemic has already made a first victim, the 9th Symphony of Beethoven Concert at the French Stadium who was supposed to happen on september 26th.
It has to be cancelled because insurers did not agree to insure.
The Spoke-person for the concert said that the insurers ask for a price that was simply exorbitant.
The insurers refuse to say if it was because of the H1N1 or the economic context.
Any insiders in concert making or concert insuring and sporting events are facing the same dilemma.
H1N1 spreads more easily in close environment and the second wave expected in the fall already tells that dice are cast.
All this means that we will have to spend more time at home or outdoor in fresh air.
People should really start to ponder and planify for the incoming Fall and Winter, because wether we like it or not, it will be one that we will remember.
cf to Be carefull with Mass Gathering Health Minister say
Dear Kossacks asleep at the wheel on a huge International Historical Moment
Snowy Owl