Another day, another obstructionist in the battle for real, meaningful healthcare reform threatens to derail the process because of Democratic pressure.
First it was Ben Nelson whining that groups running ads criticizing his foot-dragging would make him vote against reform all together.
Then it was Rahm Emanuel covering for the Blue Dog obstructionists and blaming progressives and their fucking stupid ads that might cost him another notch in his win column.
Now it's Karen Ignagni's turn to blame the Democrats who have actually voted for reform and are pressuring others to do the same.
It's ironic that that so many holding this legislation hostage are blaming the advocates who are actually trying to help the victims of our healthcare crisis. Oh, if only we'd let them pass an healthcare industry-approved bill that protects profits over patients!
Then we'd all win!
After only quietly working to undermine healthcare reform efforts, and much to the delight of the Politico and their buddies on K Street, the director of America's Health Insurance Plans, the organizing arm of the healthcare insurance industry, has started to publically grumble about the White House and Nancy Pelosi pointing out their involvement in rising healthcare costs. After all, Ignagni did play nice with the Dems and put out such a great message of support for "reform" back in February, so shouldn't they just listen to the well-meaning and well-paid lobbyists and kill the public option that "some say" will kill everyone's grandmothers and the insurance industry?
I mean, come on, she even let us have Harry and Louise on our side this time around, what more could we want?
Here's what the American people want, it's what they voted for in November and it's what the Blue Dogs and their healthcare industry buddies are trying to scare us out of wanting now. It's Barack Obama's pledge for real healthcare reform:
- No Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions
- No Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays
- No Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care
- No Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill
- No Gender Discrimination
- No Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage
- Extended Coverage for Young Adults
- Guaranteed Insurance Renewal </listing>
And none of that is going to happen without a public option provides the competition that requires healthcare insurers to compete for customers by offering quality and affordable healthcare. (Competition, you know what the free market was supposed to be for?)
Please support these grassroots campaigns advocating for the public option and real healthcare reform:
Jane Hamsher and nyceve need our help tracking our representatives meetings and comments over at Firedoglake. And they also need the financial support to keep their campaign going.
I promised AndyT, I'd chip in $25 today (yay, payday!). Who's with me?
slinkerwink needs our help in calling the White House:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Barack Obama's Organizing for America is asking our help by scheduling an office visit this week to let your Senators and Represenatives know that we support real healthcare reform
I know I don't need to remind everyone of Gandhi's famous words:
First they ignore you,
then they ridicule you,
then they fight you,
then you win.
This is it, folks. They're fighting us.
We need to fight back.