"We sell a bunch of Junk" - John Mackey - The Guardian
Yeah...you're right Mr. Mackey. You ARE selling us a bunch of junk.
Health care is a service that we all need, but just like food and shelter it is best provided through voluntary and mutually beneficial market exchanges. A careful reading of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution will not reveal any intrinsic right to health care, food or shelter. That's because there isn't any. This "right" has never existed in America. - WSJ
Apparently you didn't look at the Constitution very carefully, you didn't get past the Preamble. "Promote the general welfare." Promote the general welfare....e.g., the wellbeing of Americans.
There are other things that contribute to disease and illness, it is NOT JUST DIET as you claim.
Some chemicals in our environment are carcinoginic. Are we personally to be blamed for getting a cancer that is caused by a carcinogen that we had no idea we were being exposed to? Pesticides contribute to birth defects...yeah, pesticides used on some foods found in stores such as Whole Foods. Should the child be blamed for being born with defects? Should you punish the mother or father for not having a better job than working in the fields to provide our society with foods that are found in stores such as yours?
Tiny residues of toxic synthetic chemicals released from plastic food and beverage containers have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. In a recent report co-authored by Dr. Angel Nadal, it was stated that widespread use of plastics in beverage and food containers might (at least partially) explain the epidemic of diabetes and obesity. How many people know that by purchasing some products available at stores, including Whole Foods, they could be contributing to their obesity simply from the packaging? Should they then be blamed for their illnesses from something you provided?
Obesity has also been shown to be linked to poverty. Many call your store Whole Paycheck, because, well, it is pricey. Will you now lower your prices because it could be construed that you are the problem of unhealthiness in America?
Obesity in the United States is in part an economic issue, according to a review paper on the relationship between poverty and obesity published in the January 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The article suggests that the very low cost of energy-dense foods may be linked to rising obesity rates.
"It’s a question of money," Drewnowski said. "The reason healthier diets are beyond the reach of many people is that such diets cost more. On a per calorie basis, diets composed of whole grains, fish, and fresh vegetables and fruit are far more expensive than refined grains, added sugars and added fats. It’s not a question of being sensible or silly when it comes to food choices, it’s about being limited to those foods that you can afford." - ScienceDaily
Healthcare is NOT an "entitlement" as you claim...it is an investment...an investment in Americans...an investment in our communities....an investment in our Country. The only entitlements that folks seem to be forgetting are the entitlements claimed by the CEO's of Healthcare Insurance Companies. They feel they are entitled to deny healthcare to those who are ill so they can get their entitled $102,000 an hour. Yeah...that's right...$102,000 an hour.
BTW....How much do you entitle your employees with? It is said that it costs approximately $15/hr to afford to live in Santa Barbara. That the going pay rate?
You say you provide HIGH DEDUCTIBLE healthcare plans for your employees working 30 hours or more...what happens if they can't afford the high deductible? what about those working 29 1/2 hours? What do they do if they are sick? What about those shopping who are ill with hepititis or TB? I once overheard a waiter say he couldn't afford to stay home from work with his hepititis because he needed rent money and he didn't have health insurance.
Yeah...I'm pissed off. Big time. I'm just sorry that you have swallowed the Koolaid. Oh, You might want to check the ingredients. I'm pretty high fructose corn syrup is involved. Did you know it's been shown to contain mercury. If you got mercury poisoning, should you be financially penalized for getting ill on something you had no idea you were eating?
I understand that you are a Libertarian, but the reality is we are not in this life alone. We are not in this country alone. We are not in this community alone. We are dependent upon each other, unless you pave your own roads, build your own buildings, take your own MRI, etc. We are only as strong as our weakest link, whether that link be on the food chain or otherwise.
General welfare of the people. That's investing in the future of our country. Sorry to hear that's not a "investment" you want to tout on Yahoo Financial Chat Boards.
(xposted at cookiesinheaven)