Well, President Obama has finished Indoctrojunction (What's your function? Socialism!) 2009, and the reactions are coming in fast and furious. The usual right-wing pundits who were so worried about it seem to be pretty quiet now; some are even voicing some approval of the speech. But what about the children? The St. Petersburg Times decided to have some students write in with their thoughts.
First up, we have Justin Jones, age 16, who may have a future as a Daily Show writer:
Obama's speech was just dripping with socialist values, especially when he told kids "I hope you'll all wash your hands a lot, and stay home from school when you don't feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter."
Oh, and the part about students setting goals for their education and asking for help when they worry they won't succeed? He is stealing the words right out of Karl Marx's mouth.
The main message — don't give up. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
In these hard times, there is no better advice that the president could give to children. Unless, of course, he tells them they better share all the profits they get from that lemonade.
The sarcasm is strong in this one. The conversion to Obamazombie is complete!
Next up, Rachel Lubitz, age 17, who proves that theory that adults telling kids not to do something will want to make them do it even more:
What I would most like to applaud President Obama on is taking the time to look at this new generation from ages 5 to 18 and letting us know that he cares. The last time a President has gathered up the courage to do a thing like this was in the '80s with the first George Bush. Obama was also able to make the right wing news media whine and moan on for weeks and weeks about a speech about staying in school and succeeding. He made them look like overreacting schoolgirls jealous of the cheerleader with the quarterback boyfriend, and anyone who can do that has a friend in me.
There are a couple of other excellent ones. The kids, methinks, they're all right. As an added treat, read the whining from the right-wingers in the comments. The contrast in intelligence from the letters is striking.