If you are reading this you've probably heard that the special election in Massachusetts is close, and you probably also who Nate Silver is and know his track record for accuracy.
Well Nate just called the race a tossup. When Nate says it's a tossup it's a tossup.
And that means we need to get active.
As we've learned in the last year you've got to get something passed the Senate if you want it to happen. And in most cases, that means you've got to get 60 votes on that thing. And that has meant legislation is less progressive than it could be. If we want more to happen we need to elect more progressive Senators, not less.
Martha Coakley is FOR healthcare reform, she is for strong climate action, she is for a new jobs bill, she is for getting our money back from Wall Street, she is for full marriage equality and repealing DADT. If you want any of that to happen you need to help her win.
Her Republican opponent Scott Brown? Squarely in the tank with the Party of No and teabaggers. He voted to increase taxes by $300 billion on the middle class but OPPOSES getting our money back from Wall Street. He is for torture. I think that says all you need to know about him.
We can't lose this race, and we've got to win by as much as possible. DC will be watching this race and if we lose you can forget about getting anything progressive done in the next year. If Scott Brown is elected it will mean we will be under the reign of President Snowe. We can't let that happen. We need Martha Coakley to win. And so it's time to take action.
It's late at night already so the only thing you can do right now is donate to her campaign. The tebaggers raised $1.2 million for Scott Brown, we need to respond.
But you also need to phonebank Massachusetts voters so they turn out for Martha Coakley. This race will be all about turnout and many still don't know that their state could elect a radical right-winger to Senate. It is easy and you can do it from home. Just use this tool from the Coakley campaign and Organizing for America.
It's easy, it's fun and it matters. So make sure you Call for Coakley. It is the most important thing you can do right now for the progressive agenda.
We can't afford to lose this, it will set back the progressive agenda hugely and send the wrong message to DC. Let's unite to win this, and win it big. Start with a donation now and start calling tomorow.