Not that you didn't already know that. But wow, could he be any more of a concern troll, echoing the inside-the-Beltway diagnosis that "what's wrong with the Democrats is that they overreached?" Here's what this moron said to the Times:
"Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat of Indiana, said the atmosphere was a serious threat to Democrats. "I do think there’s a chance that Congressional elites mistook their mandate," Mr. Bayh said. "I don’t think the American people last year voted for higher taxes, higher deficits and a more intrusive government. But there’s a perception that that is what they are getting."
Wow, thanks for that Evan. This is exhibit A of why the Democrats are truly fucked, not only in governing the country but in campaigning.
Evan, buddy, I hope you realize that what is depressing Democratic enthusiasm is not too much activity and reform from the president and Democrats in Congress; it's that both have gutted everything meaningful in the health care bill, and that the president did a two-month disappearing act during the critical time of debate.
This is all-too predictable reaction of Bayh is exactly what many of us have been saying for months - that the elite media and Washington Democrats would read a depressed Dem base as being turned off by "overreaching government." Talk about living in fantasy land. My question is "where is the overreaching government? Where are the mystery tax hikes we keep hearing right-wingers (and now conservative Dem morons like Bayh) yelling about? In short, where is the big government?" Answer: it's simply not there. Bayh is in a cocoon and completely misreading the base. Not that he's alone. Here's a money quote from the stiff standing in for Kennedy in the MA senate seat:
"It comes from the fact that Obama as president has had to deal with all these major crises he inherited: the banks, fiscal stimulus," said Senator Paul G. Kirk Jr., the Democrat who holds the Massachusetts seat on an interim basis pending the special election. "But for many people it was like, ‘Jeez, how much government are we getting here?’ That might have given them pause."
Gee, thanks for that Paul. Great timing too. Who are these idiots and how did they gain even a modicum of power or influence in our party? It's the tone-deaf morons like these two all-stars that are going to force the Democrats into even more of a fetus-position-in-a-cocoon this year. With brilliant and intuitive minds like this leading us, really, who needs Republicans to attack and intimidate the national leadership?
Edit: forgot the link to the NYT article. Here ya go. Read it and weep.