Enough with the predictions, enough with the worrying, enough with the hand wringing!
The polls in Massachusetts open in just 7 hours, they close in 20.
For the next 20 hours at least can we cut the punditry and focus on the one thing this election is going to come down to?
That's what it's all about at this stage.
Get. Out. The. Vote.
I made 164 calls today. That's only a small drop in the bucket of the tens of thousands my state, Minnesota, has made to GOTV for Coakley. It's only a small drop in the millions that OFA and the Coakley campaign have made.
But it all adds up. I am sure that the calls of the dedicated 20-30 who came out to the OFA HQ in Minnesota netted Martha Coakley's campaign dozens of votes.
And the same story is happening all around the country, and in Massachusetts. Tens of thousands of volunteers taking time out of their lives to help elect Martha Coakley to the United States Senate. Why?
Because the stakes are high. They couldn't be higher.
Want the strongest possible healthcare reform?
Want to crack down on Wall Street?
Want to get our economy back on track?
Want to deal with climate change?
Want equal rights for all?
Time to Call for Coakley.
Every call makes a difference.
We need to leave it all on the field for Coakley.
If you know anyone in Massachusetts, call them, beg them to vote Coakley. If you are calling for Coakley email everyone political you know and ask them to join you.
This election is critical for the future of our country. It is going to come down to who gets their suporters out to the polls. Leave it all on the field.
Fired up?