Lost in the angst over Scott Brown's victory, is this small bit of comfort ... unless of course you're black, brown, a woman, or just not that good looking ... from the brain trust that gathered yesterday on MSNBC's Morning Joe:
Donny Deutsch got the ball rolling, suggesting that voters may be "going back to basics" after electing an African-American president and seeing "the female candidates and whatnot." Scott Brown, Deutsch added, "looks like the traditional view of a candidate," which may bring a "visceral comfort" to voters.
Mike Barnicle found value in the observation, saying that "there's something to it."
The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan added that Brown is "a regular guy" who "looks like an American."
What's next for Morning Joe? A discussion on the visceral comfort real Americans can take with the formation of the All-American Basketball Alliance, where only "natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play."
Whether covert or overt, it seems like racism is back in fashion.
And as Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly points out:
Tell me again, media establishment, about how MSNBC is a liberal bastion that's shifted to the left, on par with Fox News being a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party.