It is worth it to take a couple of hours to block the flow of cold air getting inside your home by blocking all walls, electrical sockets, windows and doors air leaks, you gain 5 to 10 degree inside with just this, if not more.
In extreme cold for you, block the dryer tube (unplug the dryer) then stick a carton over your air fan above the oven.
Remember in North America, in Winter the North Wall is the Coldest and the West one, so plan to move your indoor activities to the South East inside your Om.
Incense sticks dont lies nor matches... towards air leaks, if the smoke or the flame bow to the Inflow, block it.
About 90 minutes after noon time, open one window as far as possible of the oven fan, remove the carton and let the fan grab the old air push by the fresh one from outside the window a little open, for 30 to 45 minutes.
Then back in Shield, insulation mode.
I just hope I have convey a simple and so appreciated reminder appreciated in each of the very cold days.
That is Warmth
cf to
Preventing Hypothermia and Frostbite
I found what I have wrote here on this foreseen matters by so many.
What Made 1816 So Cold? on Jan 31, 2009.
I can stay on aout an hour so if you have questions (water etc..) go ahead now.
I do have expertise
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