Un F-ing believable. The NY Times chooses now of all times to have front page article article on the alleged resurgance of academics being interested in the so called "culture of poverty."
We are living in time when, after 40 years of regressive politics, the poor are poorer, the middle class are poorer and less secure. The top 0.1% run have all the money and power. Economic and class mobility are at an American all-time low. Economic inequality is at an all time high.
So let's shift the blame back to where it belongs... on the poor?!?.
As we all know, all serious people know that deregulation, less taxes on the wealthy, no coporate oversite is the only way to run things. That if unemployment were to actually go down, then the horrors of inflation would take over, so a certain percentage of folks who want to work have be unemployed in the name of economics. Same for raising the minimum wage, or wage enforcement. Can't have that. Same for free trade/capital, but only without any requirement for free people or free labor or propoer accounting of environmental costs.
So we have an economy run for the rich, by (buy) the rich. Lousy education. No jobs. And the same folks in control promote a popular culture that guarantees a dumbing down of everything.
But let's blame a culture of poverty (even after Clinton's welfare reform, which was supposed to take this off the table) on the poor people.
The real story that should be front page every day is this:
and this:
And this:
Sorry, I call b.s. on the whole shift the blame game being played by having the discussion at all at this time of all times. There are real reasons for the dire straights we are in now, that so-called culture of poverty is low on the list.