When we last left Wisconsin GOP Senate hopeful Ron Johnson, he was promising Wisconsin voters that they would get to know what he really believes in, but only after he gets elected.
Fortunately for us, and for the voters of Wisconsin, Johnson lets us peek behind the curtain during a recent meeting with the editorial board of the Green Bay Press-Gazette.
And, it was a pretty ugly glimpse:
So, to recap for the YouTube-deprived, when asked about a plan for jobs, the editorial board was given a heaping helping of "cut government spending" boilerplate. That might get the salivary glands of the teabagger set percolating, but it is pretty tough to define that as "a plan" for jobs.
When pressed on the issue of a plan for the middle class, no plan emerged from the lips of Johnson. This time, he settled on the ultimate platitude of "We've got to get the economy moving again."
Given his stellar performance in front of the Press Gazette editorial board, it is probably not surprising that the paper chose to endorse Russ Feingold, after having endorsed his opponents in each of his last three Senate bids.
We are within twelve days of the election. Is it really too much to ask for an actual plan to emerge from GOP candidates like Ron Johnson? Apparently, given his performance here, it is too much to ask.
But, remember, voters of Wisconsin: just elect him first, and then he'll let you know what he will do as your Senator!