In the final push before this critical election it should come as no surprise to anyone that the Right-Wing power machine is trying to whip up the Republican lynch mob with yet another "Muslims...Panic!" rage story.
This time they are trying to turn a story of a journalist who was fired for making bigoted comments on TV into something about censorship, government, Muslims (lions, tigers, bears, etc.).
The players are familiar--it's Palin, Gingrich, and the whole FOX News media axis. By this time tomorrow, there will be so much noise trying to turn this Juan Williams story into something that it is not--something other than what it is actually about--that the non-partisan big newsrooms will start to do what they do best: ask the world's dumbest questions in service of Right-Wing propaganda so obvious that it makes sane people laugh.
When this happens--the most critical two weeks in this election history will start to evaporate into dense fog of shouting and screaming.
This. Cannot. Happen.
Let me remind everyone very simply of something that will become increasingly difficult to remember in the next 24-48 hours:
The story of Juan Williams making bigoted generalizations about Muslims on live TV is, in fact, a story about Juan Williams making bigoted generalizations about Muslims on live TV.
Now, you may not believe me now, but right that long sentence on a Sticky Note and post it on your bathroom mirror because come Sunday, you will not believe the noise and fog that will engulf that simple statement.
Remember it! Because Palin, Gingrich et al are going to do everything they can to try to get you and everyone else to forget it.
What do they WANT the story to become?
The Right-Wing noise machine wants a massive distraction--it is what they always want because when millions of Americans are foaming at the mouth about nonsense and lies, that serves the interests of the Republican election machine, particularly in a close election machine. Anger and cynicism turns people off from politics and that is exactly what Palin, Gingrich, Rove, Armey etc. want.
To do this, to create this distraction--this time ( ! )--the right will try to transform a story about Juan Williams into a story about National Public Radio. And they will try to transform a story about bigoted comments into a story about "censorship." And they will try to transform a basic contract violation into a "Constitutional" crisis. And they will try to convince all of their lemmings and anyone else who happens to get caught up in the shitstorm that NPR is an agent of "Big Government" and must be stopped before it destroys America.
That is the lie, that is what they want.
Of the list of 100 of the most important things that everyone can do until the election--arguing with Right-Wing imbeciles about whether or not NPR is a rogue entity that violates the Constitution is not even there. It's not even on the list of the 10,000 most important things that everyone should do. If you make one GOTV phone call and raise 1 measly dollar for a Dem candidate--that one call or that one dollar is more important than 1,000 hours of continuous nonsense arguing with the brainless imps who will climb on board this NPR lynch mob simply because they the call to arms dripped from Sarah Palin's lips.
Stay focused! Stay engaged with what you are doing. Not everyone is a high-powered and super engaged campaign volunteer and that's OK.
Those of you working 24/7 in campaign offices: by all means ignore this crapstorm. Just ignore it.
Those of you working less, but still working: put some kind reminder in your home that tells you what is important. Take out an 8 x 10 piece of paper and write "GOTV not DUMBASS DEBATES" on it in red ink and paste it to your fridge. Whatever it takes to remind you. If you get distracted, the note will bring you back.
Deprive this nonsense of its oxygen and it will be a FOX News blip that will be ridiculed by John Stewart and SNL and that is it. But...and this is a big but: if a thousand progressive bloggers spend the next two weeks trying to "win" the argument about Juan Williams--then it will explode into the exact lynch mob firestorm Palin, Gingrich, Rove, Armey want. Don't fall for it.
The last time this sorry Right-Wing mob tried to recast a non-story into something incendiary, they did it by forcing a single phrase into the news cycle. A "cultural center" became a "ground zero mosque" and then that phrase was repeated by everyone including progressive bloggers. Before we even knew what hit us, that story took hold of the entire country until lunatics with bad mustaches and cheap suits were dumping gasoline on piles of books.
Right now, we cannot say for sure all the key words and phrases the Right will use to try to turn the "Juan Williams bigot" story into a false "NPR censor" story. But we can say this:
If you must talk about this story--if you get dragged into it--then make it your duty to be the place where this stupid Right wing talking point goes to die.
If someone brings up "NPR" and "censorship," respond with "Juan Williams" and "bigotry."
Take the story back to where it began--back to where it belongs. Then leave it there and walk away.
Do not HELP the story catch fire by repeating their words.
Remember: what I have written here is something that every progressive in 2010 knows deep down in their bones. We know how the right tries to recast all issues. We know they use talking points. We know they flood cable TV and radio at critical times. We know from experience.
All I am doing here is reminding us at a critical time to stay focused.
The Right cannot win with ideas--because they have none. So they win with chaos. And chaos, they've got lots to give.
May your cell phones stay charged, may your voices stay clear, and may all your calls be convincing.
PS: Shameless plug for a true progressive running for AG in NY - if you have some left, pitch in some money to the ERIC SCHNEIDERMAN campaign. He has a really great shot at winning, which puts a true progressive champion in a key office of national significance.