Tomorrow, October 30th, Stewart and Colbert fans will gather in San Diego's beautiful Balboa Park to support the rally in DC.
We've been offered a tough choice by this pair of clowns. Do we want to restore sanity, or keep fear alive?
I have to embrace the Dark Side. I'm just evil by nature, it's how I roll. Thus, I have managed to assemble scary symbols for my sign; the Twin Towers and Glenn Beck, coupled with the slick slogan, "MO' FEAR!"
Which, btw, might make an epic bumper sticker. How much do you think I should charge?
Already, people are jumping on this event, trying to make the participants into their own private army.
"If everyone who goes to the rally went door-to-door for Democratic candidates instead..."
They don't get it. People aren't attending this rally because it's serious business, they're going because it'll be fun, and a chance to participate in something launched by comedians they love.
It's nothing like Beck's rally, it makes a mockery of Beck's rally. And that's what it's all about, an opportunity to thumb our satirical noses at the fearmongering halfwits while having a good time!
As Anonymous would say, "NYPA, GTFO, we're here for the lulz."
San Diego, this callout's for you!