I was privileged to able to attend the One Nation Working Together rally yesterday in D.C. along with my 13 year old daughter.
Below are some youtube video clips from the rally, with a single payer focus. More clips are at my YouTube site. Please feel free to forward the clips, links, embeds; use the clips as you see fit.
PNHP, CNA, HealthCare Now and other single payer advocates were there, of course.
Interestingly there were no signs that I saw calling for a public option. HCAN was nowhere to be seen. Maybe because they are not real organization with any grassroots, but an inside the beltway PR outfit created for a short term job (and failing).
Sadly, although they were on the list of supposed co-sponsors there was not presence that I saw by any environmental groups.
PNHP and other single payer advocates are still here, fighting for real universal health care. For all the folks who remain uninsured, underinsured, facing costs that are too high, and lack of real access.
Remember, after the failure in 1994, when D.C. stopped paying attention to healthcare reform. Well, PNHP, Health Care Now and other single payer advocates built the grassroots support, and educated the public. The result was independent (Washington Post, CNN, AP, ABC, Yahoo, Harris, etc) polls in 2003-2008 showing 55-66% public support for universal government health insurance, single payer, "expanded and improved Medicare for all." We are still here and we are still working.
And indeed, recent polls show strong public support for the fact the reform we got does not go far enough.
The fact remains that for profit private insurance cannot work. You cannot make a profit insuring sick people.
Peace and Health.
And don't forget to vote, and to vote for any Democrat over any Republican; now is the time for more Democrats. Then fight for better Democrats from now through the next primaries.