Witness Ireland.
What is happening in Ireland shall come to America, it is here already, a Grover Norquist wet dream where the rich and their corporate personhoods are Too Big To Fail and everyone and everything else that stands in the way get drowned in a bathtub.
This is Hoovernomics. Instead of dealing with Ireland's high unemployment working class Irish people are being told that they must bailout their banksters and offset those costs with huge spending cuts. They will subsidize their banksters jobs, salaries and bonuses, and they will get suffering in return for it. Does that sound familiar?
The banksters have figured out a way to get permanent tax cuts and bailout revenue, and that is to maintain a rotation of near crippled nations and offer them a "Bail me out or face collapse" offer they can't refuse. Now it is Ireland, before it was Greece, who will be next?
More below the fold
Crossposted at The Progressive Electorate.com
Americans and Europeans are being sold on the virtues of "Austerity", a free market friendly Milton Friedman solution to the failure of other Milton Friedman solutions. More "Free Markets" are the answer. There is no alternative being offered. There is no choice, the Too Big To Fail have decided that a mythical "Invisible hand" shall descend like the Holy Ghost and guide us, if only we are willing to sacrifice, and by we, I mean everyone who isn't rich. They've sacrificed enough already.
We can see it now in the Catfood Commission's "wisdom". We see it in anti taxing/spending pablum from corporate owned politicians. Working class people across the world are being told to sacrifice their public services, their wages and their retirements on the alter of Mammon so that a plutonomy that feeds on their debts may continue to thrive.
Economically there is NO democracy. Money equals speech and corporations equal people. If you have no money or do not control a corporation you shall have neither speech nor equality. Our banksters are Too Big To Fail, and we are the new indentured servants who must toil so our economic feudal royalty may rule us through the divine authority of some currency which reads "In God We Trust".
No political party has a clear jobs creation plan. In America, gutting FDR's "New Deal" is ON the table. The same "Trickle Down" concept of Reagan's brand of Hoovernomics is applied via bailouts, the same de-regulation and unfettered free trade of Milton Friedman's brand of Hoovernomics is being lauded as the only answer to all of our problems.
If the rich are Too Big To Fail then everyone else is guaranteed to FAIL. Austerity is the New Hoovernomics, just like Milton Friedman's "Free Trade" was the new Hoovernomics and Reaganomics was the new Hoovernomics before that. The Shock Doctrine of disaster capitalism is what's for dinner. Your suffering is a requirement. Your consent is not.
Working people the world over are being being forced into debt, a debt owned by someone else via a property that is considered a person. That Corporate Personhood owns you via your debt. When once it was normal for a person to own another person as property, now it is normal for a person to be owned by another person's property via debt. Slavery was predicated on people being equal to property. Corporate Personhood is predicated on a wealthier man's property being equal to people. And thus we are owned via our debt to another man's property.
There is a new indentured servant class, a class in debt, underpaid, overworked, always asked to sacrifice, never invited to share in the profits of success when it happens. Success is supposed to "trickle down". It never does. The new Indentured Servant class is the product of Too Big To Fail multinational corporate personhoods. The Hoovernomic free trade approach to solving the economic crisis of nations is certain to make that crisis worse for everybody EXCEPT the Too Rich To Fail class. We are seeing that in Ireland right now. We shall soon see it elsewhere, and here too, at a class war near you.
This is a Grover Norquist wet dream come to life. Taxes always cut, spending always cut, slowly drowning the representation of a nation's citizenry in the bathtub. It is happening in Ireland as we speak. It is the only bipartisan approved plan in America. Austerity is the new hoovernomics. There will be no new "New Deal". My, what big Corporate Personhood you have, grandma!
The better to eat you with, my dear.
You can follow me on Twitter @JesseLaGreca