I guess they haven't been paying attention in class.
One program which House Republicans have consistently seized upon to bolster their budget-cutting bona fides is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Emergency Contingency Fund, a successful program that has created 250,000 jobs in 37 states via subsidized employment programs for low-income and unemployed workers. And according to National Journal, Republicans are once again railing against the program, selecting it as one of their first programs to cut....
But the crux of the issue is that eliminating the TANF emergency fund will not save any money because the program has already expired. It was funded at $5 billion for two years, and ended on September 30, 2010. There is no money left for Price to save.
It's a program that shouldn't have expired, and which the administration has asked Congress to extend because it's direct assistance that creates jobs. It expired because of Republican obstruction, along with the 250,000 jobs it created. I guess a quarter of a million jobs lost just isn't enough. They want to take another crack at it.