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Tonight's editor: boatsie reporting live from Canunmesse

Lest we ever forget, tonight's editor's choice is the #435 of the Pulitzer-quality coverage of the DeepWater Horizon -- the GulfWatchers series Gulf Watchers Friday - Drop Back and Punt - BP Catastrophe AUV #435
And wouldn't you know it, that paragon of environmental virtue, The American Petroleum Institute called the moratorium a bad decision at a time of economic stress, and will inhibit job creation, decrease government revenues, increase reliance on foreign energy, and cause dandruff...well, maybe not that last one. Just checking to see if you were paying attention.

Bill McKibben watches as stand ins for climate negotiators stick their heads in the sand.
from today's Dailytck .. a summary of the Current status/situation
As government ministers start to arrive in Cancun we are reaching the end of the first week of negotiations and the pressure is on deliver substantive outcomes. A new text is expected to be ready for them on Saturday, prepared by the working groups’ Chairs under the guidance of the Mexican Chair, but all eyes today are on the Kyoto Protocol.
If the ministers are to have something to work with next week and not be given messy text then progress needs to made on the negotiations, but this is not looking hopeful given the bumpy ride Kyoto has received all week Japan’s hard line against a 2nd commitment period. NGOs continue to demonstrate our “love and support for the KP” and are encouraging the EU, Germany, Australia and other friends of the KP to step up their game today and wrap their arms around the KP.Oxfam released a report titled 'More than ever: climate talks that work for those that need them most'. There is a breakdown of the countries to watch over the remaining week or so -- the 'movers and the shakers' and an analysis of why the UNFCCC remains THE place for an international agreement.

Follow the Cancun Twitter list
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Agrega tu foto o video en nuestro “mosaic:EARTH” y forma parte de las organizaciones e individuos que trabajan por un medio de vida sostenible para todos los habitantes del planeta. ¡Visita nuestra página de socios, conoce las campañas y haz la diferencia.!

The world needs a FAB deal: New #ClimateVulnerabilityMonitor predicts 5M deaths from climate inaction by 2020. http://ht.ly/...
New report predicts millions of deaths & billions in economic losses from inaction on climate change. http://ht.ly/...
LIVE RIGHT NOW! Daily broadcast by #tcktcktck partner @OneClimate from #Cancun #COP16 #climate http://www.oneclimate.net/...
Hooked on climate news? Follow our MASSIVE list of tweeps tweeting about #COP16 #climate talks in #Cancun: http://ht.ly/...
Have you hugged your Kyoto Protocol today? Loveable photos from @Oxfam's We <3 KP action at #COP16 #climate talks: <a href="http://ht.ly/3jgun">http://ht.ly/...
Check out mosaic:EARTH largest collaborative mosaic. Add ur image & win iPad #HARMONYmovie http://bit.ly/... #green #tcktcktck
Poor nations will likely bear 75-80% of the cost of harmful #climate change, tho they're least responsible for causing it http://is.gd/...
"I love the Kyoto Protocol" action at COP16 climate talks"

Oxfam: Cancun
Message in a Bottle: Save Lives at Cancun
A giant message in a bottle from millions of the world's poorest people washes up on a Cancun beach. Oxfam is calling for a climate fundto be established in Cancun to help poor communities adapt to a changing climate and to help pave the way to a fair ambitious and binding global deal to tackle climate change.
Find out more about Oxfam's work at UN climate summit 2010 in Cancun, Mexico
Klimaforum Reports
... where internet connect is really rough i hear and where twitter just reported that Polly Higgins (a member of the DailyCancun team) delivered an electrifying 2.5 hour speech on ecocide. Awaiting further details ..Along with Polly's speech other Klimaforum10 events include —a discussion on climate and human conflict; a presentation on the status and possible fate of the ‘Third Pole,’ or the glaciers to be found in the Tibetan highlands; a speech on the impacts on indigenous peoples of glacier-retreat in the Andes; a workshop on the importance of the place of commons in place of statist and private-property regimes; popular reflections on the question of science and responsibility; a panel on the rights of climate-migrants.
The first major event happens tomorrow when six Via Campesina caravans which have been touring various sites in Mexico to highlight the very real damage climate change has to date had on the country convene for the beginning of the Meeting “For Life and Environmental and Social Justice.” Via Campesina is also organizing a march “For Life and Climate Justice” for 5 December. A mass-protest is planned for 7 December,
The Espacio Mexicano-Diálogo Climático (Mexican Space for Climate Dialogue, or EsMex), another counter-summit to the COP-16, is currently setting-up its installations in downtown Cancún; the space is to be provided solar energy from a Greenpeace truck, the “Sunflower."
talks at all.

WarrenS made a New Year's Resolution to write a letter advocating climate action every day. The result is over three hundred letters to congresspeople, newspapers, President Obama, and more. Warren has even had letters published in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times and the Boston Globe.
Learn Warren's letter writing technique here. Be sure to steal his stuffand visit his blog.
The Juneau Empire (AK) runs an AP article on a just-issued report on Alaska’s strategy for preparing itself to deal with climate change. Buried in the article is this gem:
The report is an outgrowth of an effort launched by former Gov. Sarah Palin, who formed a climate change task force to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska.
As if we needed another demonstration of the disconnect between political “reality” and the facts of the world, along comes the news that Alaska’s Fish and Game Department has been working to quantify the effects of climate change on the state’s wildlife. While the Department remains mum on the causes of this change (pssst! It’s human beings and their increasing emissions of greenhouse gases!) they have taken the brave step of acknowledging that the phenomenon exists and will have grave consequences for Alaska’s natural resources. It is thought-provoking to realize that this report is the outcome of a process initiated by former Governor Palin, who appeared to recognize climate change as a threat in her bureaucratic incarnation while vociferously denying it in her role as Tea Party rabblerouser. Even the willfully ignorant will eventually recognize global warming’s dangers — by which time they may be too late to protect themselves.
Warren Senders

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(All times Eastern!)

eKos diaries from 12/03/2010 |
Diary | Author | Time (Eastern) | Tags |
Gulf Watchers Block Party---Duende; Say what???? | Phil S 33 | 15:29:02 | Gulf Watchers, eKos |
Schwarzenegger's Abysmal Environmental Legacy Exposed | Dan Bacher | 13:08:10 | California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, peripheral canal, ekos |
Top Down solutions, and other such myths | jamess | 12:39:54 | Top Down, Bottom Up, Multiplier Effect, Bang for the Buck, Unemployment Benefits |
gender in cancun | boatsie | 12:25:27 | COP16, tcktcktck, Women Delegates, WEDO, ekos |
Urgent Action for CA's Green Chemistry Standards | Colleen Fernald | 11:56:06 | Green Chemistry, toxic, California, ekos |
Our Orwellian Nightmare: Coal's Low Carbon Pitch | Mary Anne Hitt | 11:49:39 | eKos, coal, Sierra Club, international, finance |
Weekly Mulch: If Cancun Climate Talks Falter, Blame the U.S. | The Media Consortium | 08:52:32 | ekos, BP oil spill, Cancun, carbon emissions, Care2 |
FL Water Manager's Still Don't Like Everglades Restoration | JDWolverton | 07:15:24 | ekos, Florida, Everglades, Sugar, EPA |
US Green Energy Fail | Steven D | 05:49:21 | eKos, Green Technology, Clean Tech, Climate Change, Renewable Energy |
Gulf Watchers Friday - Drop Back and Punt - BP Catastrophe AUV #435 | Lorinda Pike | 05:04:57 | Gulf Watchers, Oilpocalypse, BP, Deepwater Horizon, Macondo |
The Earth is our Grandma | Unenergy | 01:43:14 | On Deadly Ground, In deadly oceans, eKos |
The Tantra of Climate Change: Keep Holding Back | greenmedia | 00:08:08 | eKos, dailycancun, dk-greenroots, tantra, yoga |
eKos diaries from 12/02/2010 |
Diary | Author | Time (Eastern) | Tags |
eKos: Labrador Sea 9F Above Normal, Changing Global Weather | FishOutofWater | 19:55:10 | Recommended, eKos, environment, climate change, Arctic, weather |
We Protect Endangered Wildlife, Why Not Endangered People? | Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse | 18:53:33 | Recommended, DailyCancun, environment, climate change, global warming |
Cancun climate summit: Island nations as collateral damage | DWG | 15:52:32 | Cancun, Climate change summit, COP16, climate change, sea level rise |
DailyCancun: That'd be Agri 'Culture' NOT Agri 'Business' | boatsie | 13:06:32 | DailyCancun, tcktcktck, COP16, ekos, small scale farmers |
Students Call for Clean Energy, Thank EPA | Mary Anne Hitt | 11:55:39 | eKos, coal, college, students, EPA |
NASA To Announce New Form Of Life | Rimjob | 09:30:50 | Recommended, Biology, NASA, Chemistry, Science |
Teh Crazy Lines Up Behind BP Apologist Barton | TheGreenMiles | 09:10:48 | Bp, Joe Barton, Michele Bachmann, Steve King, House |
Holiday lighting ... Scrooge or Santa (an annual refrain) | A Siegel | 09:04:01 | ekos, christmas, christmas lighting |
No Meta, just good news | Jerome a Paris | 08:02:20 | Recommended, wind, offshore wind, renewable energy, project finance, environment |
Nourishing the Planet TV: Turning an Invasive Species into a Sustainable
Livelihood | NourishingthePlanet | 06:26:50 | ekos, Nourishing the Planet, State of the World, Innovation, NtP TV |