There is no way that President Obama can win a second term after screwing every single volunteer that worked for him. He screwed us on healthcare and we lost the Congress. He screwed us by backing Joe Lieberman in 2006 and hiring Rahm Emanuel to be COS. Add to the list....
The Republicans took one half of the legislature and wrestled control of the entire U.S. Government from a very weak or very out of touch president. Perhaps the saddest thing is that the Republicans have not even taken control of the U.S. House.
It is time to turn the page and Draft Feingold (sign the petition) or Bernie Sanders to run for President. You can urge Bernie sanders to filibuster the "deal" here.
Mr. President, fight or get out of the way. America needs a leader.
Please rec and weigh in. We need to talk about this.
I'm personally leaning towards Sanders at this time, but we would then lose a powerful voice in the Senate.
I wonder how many of the 535 members of house and senate have used the word, "leader" on campaign literature. Added for snark.