Oh, goodness, please tell me President Obama is not listening to BLANCHE LINCOLN...
If that is not enough, from Rachel Maddow: Obama = BASELESS...but it is Rachel showing President Obama talking about fighting the Republicans? Really? When has that happened? Never have I seen this President fight for ANYTHING, compromise? Oh, hell, yeah...but fighting? President Obama, PLEASE.....and taking John Boehner at his word? Are you kidding me?
And the Republicans are jumping for joy!!! Yes, the President caved to them and loves this President's continued capitulation!!! Geez, we should be happy about this? Listen closely to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) who says we have been down this road, "tax cuts for the rich" and got NEGATIVE JOB GROWTH. Hello?? White House?? You got that message, yet?????
And get this:
"Republicans have held the middle class hostage for provisions that benefit only the wealthiest 3 percent, do not create jobs, and add tens of billions of dollars to the deficit," Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said regarding the deal. "To add insult to injury, the Republican estate tax proposal would help only 39,000 of America's richest families, while adding about $25 billion more to the deficit."
President Obama is willing to allow 39,000 of the most richest families to have an estate tax cut that is lower than 2009 under George W. Bush? When millions of families are trying to survive? You are trippin' here...
After Tuesday's train wreck of the impromptu press conference trying to marginalize his base, well, it is like Rachel Maddow's image at the top of the hour of her show, "BASELESS". Ummm, guess he forgot who got him in office.....
Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow destroys Barack Obama's argument on keeping the rich folk Bush Tax Cuts. Period. And you know the heat is on when we have an impromptu press conference with President Obama defending his decision of keeping the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich folk. It is obvious that the White House phones were blowin' up and not for keeping any RICH FOLKS TAX CUTS.
Lastly, put it like this, if this bill does not pass that gives you the indication of the President's political capital. If the bill changes drastically and more favorable for Democrats (because the Democrats in Congress said "NO" to the President's deal with the Republicans), that also is an indicator of the President's political capital. And if this bill passes, "as is", President Obama used the last of his political capital he has. In the end, he does not have much.
The next few months are critical for Barack Obama. We bought into "Change We Can Believe In", now Barack Obama is the one who has to change, if he wants to keep his JOB.