On Tuesday and Wednesday, Fox breathlessly promoted what it claims to be a new survey from the New England Journal of Medicine showing doctors oppose health care reform, but there’s a problem: the non-scientific survey was conducted months ago, was not published in the NEJM, and, according to a spokesperson for the journal, it has "nothing to do with the New England Journal of Medicine’s original research."
I've put together a video compilation of Fox's false claim -- it's really a remarkable example of journalistic malpractice.
A New England Journal of Medicine spokesperson told Media Matters that despite Fox's claims, such a survey "was not published by the New England Journal of Medicine."
Contrary to Fox's claims, the survey had nothing to do with NEJM. Instead, the survey, which was conducted several months ago and was non-scientific in nature, was posted on a career-oriented website maintained by the publisher of NEJM.
But of course the simple fact that Fox's reporting wasn't true did not prove to be an obstacle to getting it on the air. After all, Fox knows how to entertain its audience, and it's 'smart' enough to never let reality never get in the way of a good story.