Paging Ed Shultz, psycho talk in the wingnut isle.
Screw going to 11. The Conservative Freak Out continues to go to infinite and beyond.
Witness Rep. Paul Broun as he flat out rewrites history in a disgusting attempt to compare Health Care Reform into something scary, such as that "Great war of Yankee aggression". In the reality based world, we call that THE CIVIL WAR!
Watch . . .
More below the fold . . . .
BROUN: If ObamaCare passes, that free insurance card that’s in people’s pockets is gonna be as worthless as a Confederate dollar after the War Between The States — the Great War of Yankee Aggression.
So Ronald Reagan will replace that Yankee agressor President Grant on the $50 bill because Reagan's accomplishments (cough - Jack Shit- cough) are greater than FREEING THE SLAVES?
Holy revisionist history, batman! WTF?
Because everyone in the south knows that the civil war was really a tyrannical Government takeover of Confederate Secessionist free market slave selling freedom, just like the founding fathers wanted, and REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln lead that heartless war of aggression (unlike the Iraq war that Bush launches ) against the peace loving freedom lovers in the American south circa 1860 who didn't do nothing. They were just standing there, minding their own business, profiting off of human slavery like Free Market Jesus intended when those Yankee devils started the whole thing, and ObamaCare is JUST LIKE THAT!
And Paul Broun has the video to prove it, just watch below!
The hyperbole of a leaderless, idea starved party that represents only the rich and powerful can NOT win elections without lying, misleading and scaring the shit out of uninformed working saps like Joe The Plumber was supposed to be. This is why Republicans engage in fear mongering and false equivalency comparisons, because the facts are not on their side and never are. Thus, when confronted with Truth, wingnuts like Paul Broun and Glenn Beck have only one answer . . . CALL PEOPLE NAMES!
And if that fails and The Democratic President and his policies are STILL popular after you've called him a Socialist/Fascist/Kenyan/Nazi/Hitler who wants to send Sarah Palin's poor baby to a death panel, you can always say that what he wants to do is EXACTLY like Pearl Harbor!
BECK: The second thing is to prepare yourself. This is a battle. Health care is a battle. It’s a battle — it’s not the war. It’s a battle. Believe me, if you are a group that has values and principles, and you are peaceful, your power is about to go through the roof, not through the floor. Because people are — this event is like Pearl Harbor. It will wake people up and they’ll go, "wait, wait, wait. What did they just do?"
But I thought 9/11 was our Pearl Harbor? Does that mean ObamaCare = 9/11?
You know what? I'm sorry I wrote that. I don't want to give these loons any ideas.
HA! I made myself laugh! Republicans, ideas, THAT'S A JOKE, SON!
The party of NO! Hell, the GOP isn't even the party of Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn! Compared to Republican leaders and ideas Foghorn Leghorn is REAL!
But yeah, keep sticking to that HCR = Pearl Harbor and "That yankee war of agression", meatheads. I bet it will play great with the non-white, non southern vote.
Good luck with that.
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