I know that this isn't a diary but just had to share. Plouffe shows how it's done
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Plouffe: "The politics of this, by the way: If we pass this, we're in much better shape, politically, in the Democratic Party than we are today. Because we're going to go out there and not just talk about what WE'RE for, but what the Republicans are voting against: They are siding with the insurance companies over people who are denied coverage for preexisting conditions, siding with the insurance companies over saving seniors money. So this isn't just about us being a piñata here in the election. Elections are about choice. They are voting against an enormous tax cut for health care for 40 million middle-class families and 4 million small businesses -- that's what they're voting against. ... We are going to be much better positioned politically -- now, that's secondary to what's right for the country -- if we pass this. By the way, we had 15 million new voters vote in the 2008 election. OK, these are people are cynical that their vote really matters. If we don't pass health care, I think that sends a very depressing message. But it's going to be a very powerful message to them that their vote matters and they ought to stay involved in politics."
Rove "This thing is paid for with Bernie-Madoff-style accounting. ... It's a gigantic disaster."
Plouffe: "Karl and the Republicans would be familiar with that."
Rove: "You will bankrupt the country if this bill passes. ... For God's sake, will you stop throwing around epitaphs [sic] and deal with the facts for once, David? ... We will fight the election on this,. and the Democrats will have significant losses in the House and Senate as a result of this bill."
Plouffe:"If Karl and a lot of Republicans want to call the election already, they ought to break out that 'Mission Accomplished' banner."
Rove:"That's cheesy, David. ... You should not denigrate the mission of the USS Abraham Lincoln."
Updated with more from the David Plouffe Show
We will see if they pass this bill," Karl Rove, who was "the Architect" behind George W. Bush’s two successful Presidential elections, said. "I hope they don’t. I pray they don’t. It will be an economic disaster for the country if they do." Rove said that the health care bill used "Bernie Madoff-style accounting" and was an "gigantic disaster."
"Karl and the Republicans would be familiar with that," Plouffe retorted. "Under their leadership, they took us from big budget surpluses to a $1.3 trillion deficit," he said.
Rove hit back: "Look, you have run up more deficit, before this bill, in the first 20 months and 11 days of your term in office then was done in the entire Bush years!"
"Don’t be lecturing us about what you’re doing with the profligate spending that started last year with the failed stimulus bill," Rove said, "and continued with your budget increases."
"You will bankrupt the country, if this bill passes!" Rove insisted.
Plouffe responded with another jab: "Karl and the Republicans have zero credibility – about as much credibility as the country of Greece does to talk about fiscal responsibility."
Rove, brandishing a white board with health care cost figures, interrupted: "For God’s sake, will you stop throwing around epithets and deal with the facts, for once David!"
Plouffe, rolling his eyes, responded: "Let’s put the fanciful chart away..."
Before he could finish, Rove interrupted: "It is not a fanciful chart, deal with the chart!"