Please DON'T Rec this diary .. Rec the Mothership
The House is debating and voting today on the Senate bill and the Reconciliation bill.
Proceedings begin at 1:00 EST.
I'm in favor of starting a pool on what the Republicans will offer up as a Motion to Recommit.
My bet is trying to do Stupak's dirty work for him.
Links and discussion below the fold: This is Shuttlepod #1 Shuttlepod #2 - yawnimawke Shuttlepod #3 - Christian Dem in NC Shuttlepod #4 - Betty Pinson Shuttlepod #5 - 88kathy
Shuttlepod #6 - politik Shuttlepod #7- Book Of Hearts Shuttlepod #8 - sheba Shuttlepod #9 - Patch Adam Shuttlepod #10 - FredFred Shuttlepod #11 - FleetAdmiralJ Shuttlepod #12 -WXRock Shuttlepod #13 - eXtina Shuttlepod #14 - bsmechanic Shuttlepod #15 -splashy Shuttlepod #16 -jrooth Shuttlepod #17 - Losty Shuttlepod #18 - N in Seattle
C-SPAN Live Debate links: Flash Player Windows Media Player
Read the Bills ! Text of the Amendment to the Amendment in the nature of a Substitute Text of the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute Text of the Senate Amendment H.R. 3590 ( Senate health bill ) Text of the bill as reported ( reported by the Budget Committee
CSPAN Video Library of the Rules Committee Meetings last night: Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
Here is President Obama's speech to the Democratic Caucus too, via the new CSPAN video library: