So I was reading an article today about a scientific experiment taking place in Switzerland, the purpose of which I only vaguely understand. The Large Hadron Collider, a device capable of smashing particles together at 7 teraelectron volts (and to put that into perspective, that's almost 1.12 microjoules) of energy has been fired up.
The Collider, which apparently has more moving parts than a Teabagger's justification for receiving government disability benefits, has taken some time to finally realize its full potential, with it apparently being as dependable as my push lawnmower on its first summer pull.
More after the fold...
As most of you may remember, while the device was being built, there was litigation and speculation regarding it being a doomsday machine, perhaps capable of creating a black hole which would swallow the Earth, and ruining Barack Obama's chances of reelection in 2012.
However, that didn't seem to happen, at least not in this universe. In the article I read, however, the writer theorized that probably, in some alternate version of Earth, they did fire up the collider and a black hole did swallow the Earth, or they were bombarded with a Higgs boson, or something along those lines.
"How could this be?", I thought. Parallel universes? But then I did a little reading of my own. You see, there are some who theorize that the universe is infinate. And if the universe is infinite, then there are infinite possibilities out there. And there are infinite versions of you doing infinitely same thing.
There's a universe out there where the XFL is still playing. There's a universe where the Cubs won the last World Series. There's even a universe where the Cubs won the last World Series, and it was PLAYED ON MARS!!! There's a universe where Ronald Reagan had a sex change and had a threesome with Rob Lowe and Lauren Hill. There's a universe where George H. W. Bush watched. You get the drift.
And if that's possible, then there's a universe out there where Sarah Palin is President of the United States. Hell, there's one where she's queen.
Now think about all of those paralell universes exactly like ours up to this minute. Do we share some kind of collective conscious with ourselves in these other world? Are we of some kind of singular mind? And if so, does what we say or do somehow affect what they say or do? And if today, we unknowingly step on a butterfly in this world, and then our counterpart unknowingly steps on the same butterfly and Sarah Palin ends up the queen of some United States of Gosh-Darn America, where the Star-Spangled Banner is replaced by some campy Lee Greenwood song and Levi Johnston is permanently on the terrorist watch list.
It's enough to not make you want to move a muscle...