...To support R.T. Rybak for Governor of Minnesota.
Howard Dean has done many things. Implemented near universal public healthcare in Vermont, brought thousands of new people into the political process during his presidential campaign and led the DNC's 50 State Strategy that helped Democrats take back Congress and the White House. And recently he came out in support of R.T. Rybak's campaign for Governor of Minnesota.
And in these critical final days before the DFL Convention that will endorse the Democratic candidate for governor of Minnesota in 2010 Dr. Dean came to Minnesota to rally the grassroots for Rybak. Why? As Dean said "Everyone I talks to says that R.T. Rybak is the Democrat who can win." As one of the most successful DNC Chairs in history, he should know.
A packed crowd crammed into Rybak's campaign HQ, including a fair number of undecided delegates to the DFL convention.

When R.T. took the stage he talked about his history organizing for Dean in 2003 and how we need to work as hard as possible over the next week to win this endorsement by making as many friends as we can and spreading the message of this grassroots campaign and why we support R.T. He also reminded everybody that ultimately we are all DFLers and we need to remember that even as things get intense in Duluth. Then he introduced Dean.

Dean talked about his experiences as Governor and DNC Chair and why he believed R.T. was the candidate who could win and most importantly the candidate who has the skills to govern effectively as a progressive Democrat. He talked about how R.T. is part of a new breed of politicians like Rep. Tom Perriello of Virgina who practice conviction politics: Standing up proudly for progressive values and asking everybody for their vote without running away from our values.
It was an inspiring call to action at a critical time for this campaign. We are in the final stretch. As Dean said, we could find out who is going to be Minnesota's next governor in a week. And we need that to be R.T. Rybak. There is still time to get involved.
We only have a short time left and we need every volunteer we can get to step up and make their voice heard. The only way R.T. wins is if we hit the streets and tell our stories to delegates and tell them why we are for R.T. Sign up here and the campaign will get in touch. Lots is going on in the final day. Get involved, don't regret it. You'll meet some amazing people, maybe even me!
And this grassroots operation isn't free. To go up against the better funded opponents R.T. needs all the grassroots small donors he can get. Doesn't matter if you can only spare $5 or if you can give $50. Do what you can. Donate.
This is a people powered campaign. And this is a critical race for progressive everywhere. Want to see marriage equality won in another state? Elect R.T. Rybak Governor of Minnesota. The only thing holding us back is our part time Governor Tim Pawlenty. R.T. will sign marriage equality into law. Healthcare reform needs good progressives at the state level to implement it, we need R.T. for that. Progressives everywhere need to elect strong progressive leaders into office. We need to elect R.T.
The time is running out. Don't look back and wish you did something. Do something. Leave it all on the road and let's win this thing.
Yes we can!
Donate. Volunteer.
The future will not belong to those who sit on the sidelines - Paul Wellstone